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Version: NG-2.13

AWS ElastiCache


Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to set up, manage, and scale a distributed in-memory data store or cache environment in the cloud.

Getting Started


vuSmartMaps support Redis Serverless Cache type AWS Elasticache with Engine Version 7.1 and above.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for AWS ElastiCache using VuNet's Internal Data Collector.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'aws' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Data Source Name: The AWS ElastiCache data source that will uniqly identify the source.
  • AWS Region: AWS Region where the instance of this component is running. For eg: Asia Pacific (Mumbai), the region would be ap-south-1.
  • AWS Credential: AWS credential that provides Access key and Secret key to access Cloudwatch.
  • Period (in minutes): Specifies the interval in minutes at which data is collected. Data collection occurs once every specified period. The period should be between 1 - 60 minutes.

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPAWS CloudWatch IPs443*TCPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Health and Performance metrics of AWS ElastiCache is collected through AWS CloudWatch service. So AWS CloudWatch services must be enabled in your AWS account. AWS ElastiCache should have some Caches available for which monitoring is enabled.

An IAM role or user with the following permissions to access CloudWatch metrics:

  • cloudwatch:GetMetricData
  • cloudwatch:ListMetrics

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the O11ySource.
  • Select the sources tab and press the + button to add a new instance that has to be monitored.
  • Provide the required configurations:
  • *Data Source Name
  • *AWS Region
  • *Credential
  • *Period
  • Click Save to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
BytesUsedForCacheThe total number of bytes used by the data stored in your cache.Float64
BytesUsedForCacheThe total number of bytes used by the data stored in your cache.Float64
CacheHitRateIndicates the hit rate of your cache.Float64
CacheHitRateIndicates the hit rate of your cache.Float64
CacheHitsThe number of successful read-only key lookups in the cacheFloat64
CacheHitsThe number of successful read-only key lookups in the cacheUInt64
CacheMissesThe number of failed read requests from the cacheFloat64
CacheMissesThe number of failed read requests from the cacheUInt64
SuccessfulReadRequestLatencyLatency of successful read requests.Float64
SuccessfulReadRequestLatencyLatency of successful read requests.UInt64
SuccessfulWriteRequestLatencyLatency of successful write requestsFloat64
SuccessfulWriteRequestLatencyLatency of successful write requestsUInt64
TotalCmdsCountTotal count of all commands executed on your cacheFloat64
TotalCmdsCountTotal count of all commands executed on your cacheUInt64
CurrConnectionsThe number of client connections to your cache.Float64
CurrConnectionsThe number of client connections to your cache.UInt64
ChannelAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts to authenticate to Redis using the AUTH commandFloat64
ChannelAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts to authenticate to Redis using the AUTH commandUInt64
CommandAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts by users to run commands they don’t have permission to call. Used to identify unauthorized accessFloat64
CommandAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts by users to run commands they don’t have permission to call. Used to identify unauthorized accessUInt64
CurrItemsThe number of items in the cache.Float64
CurrItemsThe number of items in the cache.UInt64
CurrVolatileItemsThe number of items in the cache with TTLFloat64
CurrVolatileItemsThe number of items in the cache with TTLUInt64
EvictionsThe count of keys evicted by the cacheFloat64
EvictionsThe count of keys evicted by the cacheUInt64
IamAuthenticationExpirationsThe total number of expired IAM-authenticated Redis connections.Float64
IamAuthenticationExpirationsThe total number of expired IAM-authenticated Redis connections.UInt64
IamAuthenticationThrottlingThe total number of throttled IAM-authenticated Redis AUTH or HELLO requests.Float64
IamAuthenticationThrottlingThe total number of throttled IAM-authenticated Redis AUTH or HELLO requests.UInt64
KeyAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts by users to access keys they don’t have permission to access.Float64
KeyAuthorizationFailuresThe total number of failed attempts by users to access keys they don’t have permission to access.UInt64
ReclaimedThe total number of key expiration events.Float64
ReclaimedThe total number of key expiration events.UInt64
ThrottledCmdsThe number of requests that were throttled by ElastiCache because the workload was scaling faster than ElastiCache can scale.Float64
ThrottledCmdsThe number of requests that were throttled by ElastiCache because the workload was scaling faster than ElastiCache can scale.UInt64
NetworkBytesInTotal bytes transferred in to cacheUInt64
NetworkBytesOutTotal bytes transferred out of cacheUInt64
NetworkBytesInAverage bytes transferred in to cacheFloat64
NetworkBytesOutAverage bytes transferred out of cacheFloat64
ECPUnitsAverage of Elastic Cache Processing Units (EPC) usedFloat64
ECPUnitsTotal Elastic Cache Processing Units (EPC) usedFloat64
DB0AverageTTLExposes avg_ttl of DBO from the keyspace statistic of Redis INFO commandFloat64
DB0AverageTTLExposes avg_ttl of DBO from the keyspace statistic of Redis INFO commandUInt64
NewConnectionsAverage new connectionsFloat64
NewConnectionsTotal new connectionUInt64
NonKeyTypeCmdsAverage number of Non-Key type commandsFloat64
NonKeyTypeCmdsAverage ECP units spent on Non-Key type commandsFloat64
NonKeyTypeCmdsTotal number of Non-Key type commandsFloat64
NonKeyTypeCmdsTotal ECP units spent on Non-Key type commandsFloat64
GetTypeCmdsAverage number of Get type commandsFloat64
GetTypeCmdsEcpUsAverage ECP units spent on Get type commandsFloat64
GetTypeCmdsTotal number of Get type commandsFloat64
GetTypeCmdsEcpUsTotal ECP units spent on Get type commandsFloat64
SetTypeCmdsAverage number of Set type commandsFloat64
SetTypeCmdsEcpUsAverage ECP units spent on Set type commandsFloat64
SetTypeCmdsTotal number of Set type commandsFloat64
SetTypeCmdsEcpUsTotal ECP units spent on Set type commandsFloat64
StringBasedCmdsAverage number of String based commandsFloat64
StringBasedCmdsEcpUsAverage ECP units spent on String based commandsFloat64
StringBasedCmdsTotal number of String based commandsFloat64
StringBasedCmdsEcpUsTotal ECP units spent on String based commandsFloat64
ClusterIdAWS ElastiCache nameString
RegionAWS RegionString
TargetTarget serverString
HostHost serverString
TimestampTimestamp of the dataDateTime64
Tenand IDTenant IdLowCardinality(String)
BU IdBU IdLowCardinality(String)