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Version: NG-2.13

Azure EventHub


Azure Event Hub is a cloud-based service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables you to ingest, process, and store large volumes of event data in real-time. It's designed to handle massive streams of events generated by devices, sensors, applications, and services, making it ideal for scenarios such as IoT telemetry, application logging, and real-time analytics.

Getting Started


The Azure EventHub O11ySource supports Azure Event Hubs within standard lifecycle support.

Data Collection Method

Telemetry data for Azure Event Hub comprises various metrics that monitor event processing performance, resource utilization, and operational health. Our internal agent, deployed within the Vusmartmaps environment, collects these metrics using a pull method.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'azure' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • EventHub Name: The EventHub Name should be a simple string without any special characters or spaces. This field is the key to identify each EventHub you add here.
  • Resource ID: A unique identifier for the Azure resource.
  • Credential: Client ID, Client Secret, Subscription ID and Tenant ID associated to the credential.
  • Period (in seconds): Time interval for polling data from the Azure Event Hub. Period should be between 60 seconds – 3000 seconds.

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPAzure Monitor IP443*TCPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Health and performance metrics of Azure Event Hubs are collected through Azure Monitor service. Thus, Azure Monitor must be enabled in your Azure account. Azure Event Hubs should have available instances for which monitoring is enabled.

An IAM role or user with the following permissions to access Azure EventHub metrics through Azure Monitor:

  • Grant the Azure AD application, for which you've obtained the Client ID and Client Secret, the "Reader" role or a custom role specifically assigned with the Microsoft.Insights/metrics/read permission.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the O11ySource.
  • Select the sources tab and press the + button to add a new instance that has to be monitored.
  • Provide the required configurations:
  • *EventHub Name
  • *Period (in seconds)
  • *Credential
  • *Resource ID
  • Click Save to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
@timestampOriginal timestamp of the agent in string formatString
timestampPrecise timestamp of the agent with millisecondsDateTime64(3)
resource_groupResource group in AzureString
subscription_idAzure subscription identifierString
resource_nameName of the Azure resource (EventHub)String
nameMetric name of the Azure eventHub(e.g., incoming_bytes, throttled_requests etc.)String
minimumMinimum value of the metric over the periodInt32
maximumMaximum value of the metric over the periodInt32
totalTotal value of the metric over the periodInt32
averageAverage value of the metric over the periodFloat64