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Version: NG-2.13



Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL distributed database that manages large amounts of data across commodity servers. It is a decentralized, scalable storage system designed to handle vast volumes of data across multiple commodity servers, providing high availability without a single point of failure.

Getting Started


The Cassandra O11ySource is compatible with all versions of Cassandra equal to or greater than 3.11.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for Cassandra using VuNet's Healthbeat agent. This agent collects data based on the source configuration.


Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Cassandra Host: The IP Address/FQDN of the Cassandra server. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
  • Period [in seconds]: How frequently data is gathered. The period should be between 60 seconds – 3000 seconds.
  • Cassandra Port: Provide the Cassandra port details
  • JMX Port: Provide the JMX port details

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
IP address of the server where Cassandra is installedvuSmartMaps Data Collector End Point9092*TCPInbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Healthbeat should be installed and running in the server where Cassandra is installed.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the Cassandra O11ySource.
  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new Cassandra instance to be monitored.
  • Add the required details and then click on Next.
  • The following packages will be available for download based on the OS:Download <OS> Healthbeat Installation Binary - Downloads the full Healthbeat package with required configurations for a fresh installationDownload <OS> Healthbeat Update Configuration Binary - Downloads the agent configuration package to update an existing Healthbeat installation
  • Download the agent installation or update package, then click Finish to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
@timestampOriginal timestamp in string format, possibly from raw data.String
timestampPrecise timestamp (with millisecond precision) when the metric was collected.DateTime64(3)
service_addressAddress of the service that generated the metrics.String
service_typeType of service (e.g., Cassandra node, Jolokia agent).String
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Request_oneminute_rateThe rate of requests in the last minute.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_read_latencyLatency for read requests in Cassandra (client-side).Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_write_latencyLatency for write requests in Cassandra (client-side).Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_write_latency_one_min_rateRate of write request latency over the last minute.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Estimated_Partition_countEstimated number of partitions in the Cassandra database.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Node_countTotal number of nodes in the Cassandra cluster.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Request_countTotal number of requests received.UInt32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Storage_ExceptionsNumber of storage-related exceptions.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Min_responsetime_NodeMinimum response time among nodes.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Load_storageStorage load on Cassandra nodes.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Request_rate_unitThe unit of request rate (e.g., requests per second).String
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_SSTables_MaxMaximum number of SSTables in a node.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_SSTables_CountCurrent count of SSTables in the node.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Timeout_ReadNumber of read timeouts encountered.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_key_cache_hit_rateHit rate for the key cache in Cassandra.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_LiveDiskSpaceThe amount of live disk space used.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_SSTables_MinMinimum number of SSTables across nodes.UInt32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_completed_tasksNumber of completed compaction tasks.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_pending_tasksNumber of pending compaction tasks.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Max_responsetime_NodeMaximum response time across nodes.UInt32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Unavailable_ReadNumber of unavailable read operations.UInt32
vublock_nameName of the block (or shard) for partitioning or organizational purposes.String
o11ysource_nameName of the observability data source.String
beat_hostnameHostname of the machine where the data was collected.String
targetTarget system or host for which the metrics are recorded.String
cassandra_hostHostname of the Cassandra node.String
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_completed_tasks_diffDifference in the number of completed compaction tasks over a time interval.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_completed_tasks_rateRate at which compaction tasks are completed.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_read_latency_diffDifference in read latency over time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_read_latency_rateRate of change in read latency.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Request_count_diffDifference in request count over a time interval.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_write_latency_rateRate of change in write latency.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_SSTables_Max_diffDifference in maximum number of SSTables.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_SSTables_Max_rateRate of change in the maximum number of SSTables.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_pending_tasks_diffDifference in the number of pending compaction tasks over time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_compaction_pending_tasks_rateRate of change in pending compaction tasks.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Estimated_Partition_count_diffDifference in the estimated partition count over time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_Estimated_Partition_count_rateRate of change in the estimated partition count.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_uptimeJVM uptime in milliseconds.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_LiveSSTablesLive SSTables count.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_client_request_write_latency_diffDifference in write latency over a time interval.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_timeCMS garbage collection time in milliseconds.UInt64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_countCount of CMS garbage collection cycles.UInt64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_non_heap_usage_committedCommitted non-heap memory usage by the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_non_heap_usage_maxMaximum non-heap memory available to the JVM.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_non_heap_usage_usedNon-heap memory currently used by the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_non_heap_usage_initInitial non-heap memory allocated to the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_heap_usage_initInitial heap memory allocated to the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_heap_usage_committedCommitted heap memory usage by the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_heap_usage_maxMaximum heap memory available to the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_heap_usage_usedHeap memory currently used by the JVM.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_heap_usage_used_diffDifference in heap memory used over time.Float32
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_count_diffDifference in the number of CMS garbage collection cycles.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_memory_non_heap_usage_used_diffDifference in non-heap memory used over time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_time_diffDifference in garbage collection time over time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_time_rateRate of garbage collection time.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_jvm_gc_cms_collection_count_rateRate of garbage collection cycles.Float64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_mbeanMBean path or identifier for the Cassandra metric.String
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_PartitionSizeSize of a partition in bytes.UInt64
jolokia_cassandra_metrics_TotalDiskSpaceTotal disk space available to Cassandra nodes.Float64
mbeanJava Management Extensions (JMX) MBean identifier.String
keyspaceCassandra keyspace to which the metrics belong.String
cassandraTableCassandra table name to which the metrics belong.String
scopeAdditional metadata defining the scope of the metrics.String
allbeat_heartbeat_target_stateTarget state of the heartbeat monitoring system.String
allbeat_heartbeat_portPort used for heartbeat monitoring.UInt64
topic_nameName of the Kafka topic (if applicable).String
hostHostname of the Cassandra node or monitoring agent.String