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Version: NG-2.13



MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database program. It is known for being scalable, flexible, and efficient in handling unstructured data. When people refer to a "Mongo cluster," they are usually talking about a MongoDB Cluster, which is a set of MongoDB servers that work together to provide high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability.

Getting Started


The MongoDB O11ySource is compatible with all versions of MongoDB equal to or greater than 5.0.26.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for MongoDB O11ySource using an internal data collector. This agent collects data based on the source configuration.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'user' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Host: The IP Address/FQDN of the MongoDB host. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
  • Port: Enter a valid port
  • Credential: This field is required
  • Polling Frequency: Specifies the interval in seconds at which data is collected. Data collection occurs once every specified period.

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPIP of MongoDB Server27017*TCPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Make sure the User Credentials are correct for MongoDB.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the MongoDB O11ySource.
  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new MongoDB instance to be monitored.
  • Add the required details and then click on then click Finish to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
collectionName of the collectionString
commands_countTotal commands executedUInt64
commands_timeTime taken for commandsUInt64
db_nameDatabase nameString
get_more_countTotal get more requestsUInt64
get_more_timeTime taken for get more requestsUInt64
hostHost nameString
hostnameHost addressString
insert_countTotal insert operationsUInt64
insert_timeTime taken for insert operationsUInt64
nameStatistics nameString
node_typeNode typeString
queries_countTotal queries executedUInt64
queries_timeTime taken for queriesUInt64
read_lock_countTotal read locks acquiredUInt64
read_lock_timeTime taken for read locksUInt64
remove_countTotal remove operationsUInt64
remove_timeTime taken for remove operationsUInt64
rs_nameReplica set nameString
timestampTime when the stats were recordedDateTime64
total_countTotal operations countedUInt64
total_timeTotal time for operationsUInt64
typeType of statsString
update_countTotal update operationsUInt64
update_timeTime taken for update operationsUInt64
write_lock_countTotal write locks acquiredUInt64
write_lock_timeTime taken for write locksUInt64
tenant_idTenant IDString
bu_idBusiness unit IDUInt64
targetTarget server addressString
@timestampTimestamp when the stats were recordedString
avg_obj_sizeAverage object sizeUInt64
collectionName of the collectionString
countTotal countUInt64
db_nameDatabase nameString
hostHost nameString
hostnameHost addressString
nameStatistics nameString
node_typeNode typeString
okStatus of the operationUInt8
rs_nameReplica set nameString
sizeCollection sizeUInt64
storage_sizeStorage size of the collectionUInt64
timestampTime when the stats were recordedDateTime64
total_index_sizeTotal index size of the collectionUInt64
typeType of statsString
tenant_idTenant IDUInt64
bu_idBusiness unit IDUInt64
targetTarget server addressString
@timestampTimestamp when the stats were recordedString
avg_obj_sizeAverage object size in the databaseFloat64
collectionsTotal collections in the databaseUInt64
data_sizeTotal data size in the databaseUInt64
db_nameDatabase nameString
fs_total_sizeTotal file system size availableUInt64
fs_used_sizeFile system size usedUInt64
hostHost nameString
hostnameHost addressString
index_sizeTotal index size in the databaseUInt64
indexesNumber of indexes in the databaseUInt64
nameStatistics nameString
node_typeNode typeString
num_extentsNumber of extentsUInt64
objectsTotal number of objects in the databaseUInt64
okStatus of the operationUInt8
rs_nameReplica set nameString
storage_sizeStorage size of the databaseUInt64
timestampTime when the stats were recordedDateTime64
typeType of statsString
tenant_idTenant IDUInt64
bu_idBusiness unit IDUInt64
targetTarget server addressString
@timestampTimestamp when the stats were recordedString
availableAvailability statusUInt8
collectionName of the collectionString
createdTotal createdUInt64
db_nameDatabase nameString
hostHost nameString
hostnameHost addressString
in_useCurrently in useUInt8
nameStatistics nameString
node_typeNode typeString
refreshingRefreshing statusUInt8
rs_nameReplica set nameString
timestampTime when the stats were recordedDateTime64
typeType of statsString
tenant_idTenant IDUInt64
bu_idBusiness unit IDUInt64
targetTarget server addressString
@timestampTimestamp when the stats were recordedString
active_readsNumber of active readsUInt64
active_writesNumber of active writesUInt64
aggregate_command_failedFailed aggregate commandsUInt64
aggregate_command_totalTotal aggregate commandsUInt64
assert_msgAssert message countUInt64
assert_regularAssert regular countUInt64
assert_rolloversAssert rolloversUInt64
assert_userAssert user countUInt64
assert_warningAssert warning countUInt64
available_readsAvailable read ticketsUInt64
available_writesAvailable write ticketsUInt64
commandsTotal commands executedUInt64
commands_per_secCommands executed per secondUInt32
connections_availableNumber of available connectionsUInt32
connections_currentCurrent number of connectionsUInt32
open_connectionsTotal open connectionsUInt32
connections_total_createdTotal connections createdUInt64
count_command_failedFailed count commandUInt64
count_command_totalTotal count commandUInt64
cursor_no_timeoutCursor no timeout flagUInt64
cursor_no_timeout_countCount of cursor no timeoutUInt64
cursor_pinnedCursor pinned flagUInt64
cursor_pinned_countCount of pinned cursorsUInt64
cursor_timed_outCursor timed out flagUInt64
cursor_timed_out_countCount of cursor timeoutsUInt64
cursor_totalTotal cursor countUInt64
cursor_total_countTotal cursor count valueUInt64
delete_command_failedDelete command failedUInt64
delete_command_totalTotal delete commandsUInt64
deletesTotal deletesUInt64
deletes_per_secDeletes per secondUInt32
distinct_command_failedFailed distinct commandUInt64
distinct_command_totalTotal distinct commandsUInt64
document_deletedTotal documents deletedUInt64
document_insertedTotal documents insertedUInt64
document_returnedTotal documents returnedUInt64
document_updatedTotal document updatesUInt64
find_and_modify_command_failedFind and modify command failedUInt64
find_and_modify_command_totalTotal find and modify commandsUInt64
find_command_failedFind command failedUInt64
find_command_totalTotal find commandsUInt64
flushesTotal flushesUInt64
flushes_per_secFlushes per secondUInt64
flushes_total_time_nsTotal time for flushesUInt64
get_more_command_failedGet more command failedUInt64
get_more_command_totalTotal get more commandsUInt64
getmoresTotal get more operationsUInt64
getmores_per_secGet more operations per secondUInt64
hostHost machineString
insert_command_failedFailed insert commandUInt64
insert_command_totalTotal insert commandsUInt32
insertsTotal insertsUInt64
inserts_per_secInserts per secondUInt64
jumbo_chunksTotal jumbo chunksUInt64
latency_commandsCommand latencyUInt64
latency_commands_countCommand latency countUInt64
latency_readsRead latencyUInt64
latency_reads_countRead latency countUInt64
latency_writesWrite latencyUInt64
latency_writes_countWrite latency countUInt64
member_statusMember status of nodeString
nameStatistics nameString
timestampTime when the stats were recordedDateTime64
typeType of statsString
tenant_idTenant IDUInt64
bu_idBusiness unit IDUInt64
targetTarget server addressString
@timestampTimestamp when the stats were recordedString
uptime_nsUptime of the MongoDB server in nanosecondsUInt64
rs_nameReplica set nameString
net_in_bytesTotal network input in bytesUInt64
net_out_bytesTotal network output in bytesUInt64
net_in_bytes_countCount of network input bytesUInt64
net_out_bytes_countCount of network output bytesUInt64
locks_Collection_DeadLockCount_ReadNumber of times a collection shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Collection_DeadLockCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a collection exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Collection_DeadLockCount_WriteNumber of times a collection intent shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Collection_DeadLockCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a collection intent exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireWaitCount_ReadNumber of times a collection shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireWaitCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a collection exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireWaitCount_WriteNumber of times a collection intent shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireWaitCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a collection intent exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireCount_ReadNumber of times a shared collection shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a collection exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireCount_WriteNumber of times a collection intent shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Collection_AcquireCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a collection intent exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireWaitCount_ReadNumber of times a global shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireWaitCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a global shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireWaitCount_WriteNumber of times a global exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireWaitCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a global exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Global_DeadLockCount_ReadNumber of times a global shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Global_DeadLockCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a global exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Global_DeadLockCount_WriteNumber of times a global intent shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Global_DeadLockCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a global intent exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireCount_ReadNumber of times a global shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a global shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireCount_WriteNumber of times a global exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Global_AcquireCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a global exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireWaitCount_ReadNumber of times a database shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireWaitCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a database exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireWaitCount_WriteNumber of times a database intent shared lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireWaitCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a database intent exclusive lock was waited forUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireCount_ReadNumber of times a database shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a database exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireCount_WriteNumber of times a database intent shared lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Database_AcquireCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a database intent exclusive lock was acquiredUInt64
locks_Database_DeadLockCount_ReadNumber of times a database shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Database_DeadLockCount_ReadLowerNumber of times a database exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Database_DeadLockCount_WriteNumber of times a database intent shared lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
locks_Database_DeadLockCount_WriteLowerNumber of times a database intent exclusive lock request encountered a deadlockUInt64
resident_megabytesAmount of memory in megabytes that is currently in RAMUInt64
vsize_megabytesAmount of memory in megabytes that is currently in Virtual memoryUInt64
members_down_countCount of down members in the replication setUInt64
oplog_size_allocatedAllocated size of the oplog in bytesUInt64
oplog_size_usedUsed size of the oplog in bytesUInt64
members_unhealthy_countCount of unhealthy members in the replication setUInt64
optimes_Applied_TS_TTimestamp of the last oplog entry appliedUInt64
optimes_Durable_TS_TTimestamp of the last oplog entry durableUInt64
optimes_LastCommitted_TS_TTimestamp of the last oplog entry committedUInt64
members_headroom_maxMaximum headroom (remaining oplog time) in millisecondsUInt64
members_headroom_minMinimum headroom (remaining oplog time) in millisecondsUInt64
members_lag_maxMaximum replication lag in millisecondsInt64
members_lag_minMinimum replication lag in millisecondsInt64
members_primary_hostsHostname of the primary member in the replication setString
members_secondry_hostsHostnames of the secondary members in the replication setArray(String)
members_recovering_hostsHostnames of the recovering members in the replication setArray(String)
members_unknown_hostsHostnames of the unknown members in the replication setArray(String)
members_startup2_hostsHostnames of the startup2 members in the replication setArray(String)
members_arbiter_hostsHostnames of the arbiter members in the replication setArray(String)
members_down_hostsHostnames of the down members in the replication setArray(String)
members_rollback_hostsHostnames of the rollback members in the replication setArray(String)
members_unhealthy_hostsHostnames of the unhealthy members in the replication setArray(String)
ttl_deletesNumber of documents deleted by the TTL monitorUInt32
ttl_deletes_per_secRequest rate per SecondFloat32
ttl_passesNumber of times the TTL monitor completed a passUInt32
ttl_passes_per_secRequest rate per SecondFloat32
repl_oplog_window_secSize of the oplog window in secondsUInt64
page_faultsNumber of page faultsUInt64