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Version: NG-2.13



Oracle DB monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing data about the performance of an Oracle database. This data can be used to identify potential performance problems and take corrective action to improve performance.

Getting Started


The Oracle O11ySource is compatible with all versions of Oracle DB greater than or equal to 11g.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for Oracle Database by using an internal data collector. This data collector collects data based on the source configuration.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'user' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Instance Name: Please enter the name of the Oracle instance. This should be a unique identifier for the specific Oracle deployment you want to monitor.
  • DB Details: Please provide the details of DB
  • IP Address: IP address needs to be a valid IP Address.
  • Port: Enter a valid port
  • Credential: This field is required
  • DB Name: Name of the database to be polled for metrics
  • Metrics Collection Queries: These queries are utilized for Oracle server's metrics.
  • Query: Choose the Queries
  • Polling Interval [seconds]: How frequently data is gathered. interval should be between 180 -.86400 seconds

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPIP address of the Oracle DB server1521*TCPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Configure Metrics Collection from OHS Server Metrics from Oracle Database are gathered by establishing a connection to the server using JDBC.

  • To get started with the standard Oracle Database integration, create a read-only vunet user with proper access to your Oracle Database server.
  • Connect to your Oracle Database and execute the following commands to create the vunet user and grant necessary permissions:
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_data_files TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_free_space TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_hist_active_sess_history TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_hist_snapshot TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_hist_sqlstat TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_hist_sqltext TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_indexes TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_objects TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_scheduler_job_run_details TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_tablespace_usage_metrics TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_tablespaces TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_users TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$sysmetric TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$active_session_history TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$asm_diskgroup TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$event_name TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$instance TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$lock TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$locked_object TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$log_history TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$metric TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$PGAstat TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$resource_limit TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$segment_Statistics TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$session TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$sesstat TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$sgastat TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$sqlarea TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$statname TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON gv_$log TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$resource_limit TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$active_session_history TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$archived_log TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$asm_diskgroup TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON V_$event_name TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$instance TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$lock TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$log TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$log_history TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$metric TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$recovery_file_dest TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON V_$segment_Statistics TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$session TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$sesstat TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$sqlarea TO vunet;
GRANT SELECT ON v_$statname TO vunet;
  • Verify that the Oracle user 'vunet' can connect to the database using the specified password.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the Oracle O11ySource.
  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add Oracle DB instance to be monitored.
  • Set up metrics collection configurations. The O11ySource already provides predefined metric collection queries. Users have the flexibility to adjust query intervals, modify existing queries, and introduce new queries as needed.
  • Once all the required details are filled, click on Save and Continue

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
@timestampThe event timestamp in string format, likely ISO-8601.String
timestampPrecise timestamp of the event, with milliseconds precision.DateTime64
targetThe target object or resource being monitored.String
typeThe type of metric or event.String
HOSTNAMEThe hostname of the Oracle server.String
METRIC_NAMEThe name of the metric (e.g., CPU usage, memory usage).String
METRIC_UNITThe unit of the metric (e.g., percentage, seconds).String
ORACLE_DOC_TYPEThe document type, used for classification.String
VALUEThe numeric value of the metric being measured.UInt64
nameName of the monitoring event or system.LowCardinality(String)
bu_idBusiness unit identifier.LowCardinality(String)
tenant_idTenant identifier in a multi-tenant environment.LowCardinality(String)
hostHostname or identifier of the Oracle instance.String
DatabaseNameThe name of the Oracle database being monitored.String
OwnerThe owner of the Oracle schema or object.String
databasenameA secondary or related database name.String
DB_ACCOUNT_CREATED_DATEThe creation date of the Oracle database account.String
DB_ACCOUNT_LOCK_DATEThe lock date for the Oracle database account.String
DB_USER_ACCOUNT_STATUSStatus of the Oracle database account (e.g., ACTIVE, LOCKED).String
DB_USERNAMEThe name of the user account.String
INSTANCE_NAMEThe name of the Oracle instance.LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_NUMBERInstance number in multi-instance setups (e.g., RAC).UInt64
OBJ_CREATED_TIMETime the Oracle object was created.Float64
OBJ_IDID of the Oracle object.Float64
OBJ_LAST_DDL_TIMELast DDL operation time on the object.Float64
OBJ_NAMEThe name of the Oracle object (e.g., table, index).LowCardinality(String)
OBJ_OWNEROwner of the object (e.g., schema owner).LowCardinality(String)
OBJ_STATUSStatus of the object (e.g., VALID, INVALID).LowCardinality(String)
OBJ_TYPEType of object (e.g., TABLE, INDEX).LowCardinality(String)
BLOCK_INST_IDInstance ID where a blocking session occurs.UInt64
BLOCK_SECONDS_IN_WAITTime in seconds the session has been waiting for the lock.UInt64
BLOCK_SERIALSerial number of the blocking session.UInt64
BLOCK_SQL_IDSQL ID of the blocking session.UInt64
BLOCK_WAIT_CLASSThe wait class of the blocking session (e.g., User I/O).String
LONGOPS_OPNAMEName of the long-running operation.String
LONGOPS_REMAINING_MINEstimated remaining time in minutes for the long-running operation.String
LONGOPS_SERIALSerial number for the long operation.Float64
LONGOPS_SIDSession ID of the long operation.Float32
LONGOPS_START_TIMEStart time of the long operation.String
LONGOPS_TOTAL_WORKTotal amount of work for the long operation.String
LONGOPS_WORK_DONE_SOFARAmount of work completed so far for the long operation.String
LOCKED_LOCK_MODEMode of the lock (e.g., Exclusive, Shared).String
LOCKED_OBJ_NAMEName of the locked object.String
LOCKED_OBJ_OWNEROwner of the locked object.LowCardinality(String)
LOCKED_OS_USERNAMEOS username of the user causing the lock.LowCardinality(String)
LOCKED_SIDSession ID of the locked session.Float64
LOCKED_USERNAMEOracle username causing the lock.LowCardinality(String)
SGA_FREE_SPACEFree space available in the System Global Area (SGA).Float64
SGA_NAMEName of the SGA component.String
SGA_TOTAL_SPACETotal space allocated to SGA.Float64
SGA_USED_PCTPercentage of SGA space used.UInt64
SGA_USED_SPACEAmount of SGA space used.Float64
INSTANCE_ACTIVE_STATEThe active state of the Oracle instance (e.g., OPEN, MOUNTED).LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_ARCHIVERIndicates whether the archiver is enabled or disabled.LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_DB_STATUSCurrent status of the database (e.g., OPEN, MOUNTED).LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_HOST_NAMEHostname of the server where the instance is running.String
INSTANCE_LOGINSNumber of logins to the instance.LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_ROLERole of the instance (e.g., PRIMARY, STANDBY).LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_STARTUP_TIMETime when the instance was started.String
INSTANCE_STATUSStatus of the instance (e.g., STARTED, STOPPED).LowCardinality(String)
INSTANCE_VERSIONVersion of the Oracle instance.String
PLAN_HASHHash value of the execution plan.UInt64
BLOCKING_SESSIONID of the session that is blocking this session.Float32
BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUSStatus of the blocking session (e.g., ACTIVE, INACTIVE).String
CPU_TIMETotal CPU time consumed by the session.Float64
ELAPSED_TIMETotal elapsed time of the session.UInt64
EVENT_IDID of the event being waited on.LowCardinality(String)
EVENTName of the event being waited on.String
EXECUTIONSNumber of times the SQL statement has been executed.UInt32
INST_IDInstance ID in a RAC (Real Application Clusters) environment.UInt32
MACHINEMachine name from which the session is connecting.String
MACHINE_SIDSession ID on the machine.String
PROGRAMName of the program connected to the instance.String
SAMPLE_TIMETime when the sample was taken.String
SESSION_SERIALNUMSerial number of the session.UInt32
SESSION_STATECurrent state of the session (e.g., ACTIVE, INACTIVE).LowCardinality(String)
SQL_EXEC_IDExecution ID for the SQL statement.UInt32
SQL_EXEC_STARTTimestamp when the SQL execution started.String
SQL_IDUnique identifier for the SQL statement.String
SQL_TYPEType of the SQL statement (e.g., SELECT, INSERT).String
TIME_WAITEDTotal time waited for events.UInt32
USER_IDID of the user connected to the session.UInt32
USERNAMEUsername of the connected user.String
WAIT_CLASSClass of wait event.String
WAIT_TIMETotal wait time.UInt32
USER_SESSION_COUNTCount of user sessions.UInt32
USER_SESSION_STATUSStatus of the user session (e.g., ACTIVE, INACTIVE).LowCardinality(String)
USER_SESSION_WAIT_CLASSWait class of the user session.LowCardinality(String)
SCHD_ACTUAL_START_DATEActual start date of the scheduled job.String
SCHD_ERROR_MSGError message associated with the scheduled job.String
SCHD_ERROR_NUMError number associated with the scheduled job.Float32
SCHD_JOBNAMEName of the scheduled job.String
SCHD_OUTPUT_MSGOutput message from the scheduled job.String
SCHD_OWNEROwner of the scheduled job.String
SCHD_RUN_DURATIONDuration of the scheduled job run.Float32
SCHD_STATUSStatus of the scheduled job (e.g., SUCCESS, FAILED).String
AGGREGATE_PGA_AUTO_TARGETTarget memory for Automatic PGA management.UInt64
AGGREGATE_PGA_TARGET_PARAMETERCurrent value of the target PGA memory.UInt64
PGA_CACHE_HIT_PERCENTAGEPercentage of hits in the PGA cache.UInt64
PGA_OVER_ALLOCATION_COUNTCount of times PGA was over-allocated.UInt32
TOTAL_FREEABLE_PGA_MEMORYTotal freeable memory in the PGA.UInt64
TOTAL_PGA_ALLOCATEDTotal PGA memory allocated.UInt64
TOTAL_PGA_INUSETotal PGA memory currently in use.UInt64
LONGQUERY_PHVLong query private hash value.UInt64
LONGQUERY_CHILDChild number for long-running queries.Float32
LONGQUERY_EVENTEvent associated with long-running queries.String
LONGQUERY_ICEIce for long queries (wait time, etc.).Float32
LONGQUERY_MACHINEMachine name for long queries.String
LONGQUERY_OSUSEROS username for long queries.String
LONGQUERY_PROGRAMProgram name for long queries.LowCardinality(String)
LONGQUERY_SERIALSerial number for long queries.UInt64
LONGQUERY_SIDSession ID for long queries.UInt32
LONGQUERY_SQL_IDSQL ID for long queries.String
LONGQUERY_STATEState of long queries.LowCardinality(String)
LONGQUERY_STATUSStatus of long queries.LowCardinality(String)
LONGQUERY_USERNAMEUsername for long queries.LowCardinality(String)
LONGQUERY_WAIT_CLASSWait class for long queries.LowCardinality(String)
FIELDS_ROW_WAIT_OBJIDObject ID for row waits.Float32
TBLS_CONTENTS_NAMEName of contents for tables.LowCardinality(String)
TBLS_NAMEName of the table.LowCardinality(String)
TBLS_SIZESize of the table.LowCardinality(String)
TBLS_STATUSStatus of the table (e.g., ACTIVE, INACTIVE).LowCardinality(String)
TBLS_USED_PERCENTPercentage of space used in the table.Float32
TBLS_USED_SPACEAmount of space used by the table.UInt64
REDO_ARCHIVEDIndicates if redo is archived.LowCardinality(String)
REDO_BYTES_MBAmount of redo in megabytes.LowCardinality(String)
REDO_GROUPGroup number for redo log.UInt64
REDO_MEMBERMember number for redo log.UInt64
REDO_SEQUENCESequence number for redo log.UInt32
REDO_STATUSStatus of the redo log.LowCardinality(String)
REDO_THREADThread number for redo log in a RAC environment.UInt16
RESOURCE_CURRENT_UTILIZATIONCurrent utilization of the resource.UInt32
RESOURCE_INITIAL_ALLOCATIONInitial allocation for the resource.UInt32
RESOURCE_LIMITLimit for the resource.LowCardinality(String)
RESOURCE_MAX_UTILIZATIONMaximum utilization of the resource.UInt32
RESOURCE_NAMEName of the resource.LowCardinality(String)
RESOURCE_USED_PCTPercentage of the resource that is used.Float32