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Version: NG-2.13



WebLogic is a powerful Java application server used to build and deploy enterprise applications. It offers scalability, high availability, and security for your applications, making it ideal for mission-critical deployments.

Getting Started


The WebLogic O11ySource is compatible with all versions equal to or greater than 12c.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for WebLogic server using VuNet's vuAppAgent. This agent collects data based on the source configuration.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'user' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • WebLogic Server: The IP Address/FQDN of the WebLogic server. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
  • Period [in seconds]: How frequently data is gathered. The period should be between 60 seconds – 3000 seconds.
  • Port: Provide the port details
  • Credentials: This is optional

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
IP address of the WebLogic servervuSmartMaps Data Collector End Point9092*TCPInbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

vuAppAgent should be installed and running in the server where WebLogic is installed.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable* the O11ySource.
  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new WebLogic host to be monitored.
  • Add the required details and then click on Next.
  • The following packages will be available for download based on the OS:vuAppAgent Installation Binary - Downloads the full vuAppAgent package with required configurations for a fresh installationvuAppAgent Update Configuration Binary - Downloads the agent configuration package to update an existing vuAppAgent installation
  • Download the agent installation or update package, then click Finish to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
@timestampTimestamp of the eventString
timestampThe precise timestamp when the data was recorded, including milliseconds.DateTime64
targetIP Address of the Weblogic ServerString
hostIP Address of the Weblogic ServerString
tenant_idIdentifier for the specific tenant or customer in a multi-tenant environment.LowCardinality(String)
bu_idIdentifier for the business unit.LowCardinality(String)
TypeSpecifies the category or kind of entity or metric being referred to.String
UptimeThe total time that a server, application, or system has been operational and running without interruptionFloat64
StatusThe current operational state or condition of a server, application, or componentLowCardinality(String)
ErrorMessageA description of an error or issue encountered by the system or applicationString
Server_HealthA metric indicating the overall health and operational status of a serverLowCardinality(String)
vublock_nameThe name of a specific Virtual User Block or resource in a system.LowCardinality(String)
topic_nameThe name of a specific topic within a messaging system or publish/subscribe model.LowCardinality(String)
ApplicationNameThe name of ApplicationString
ActiveTransactionsTotalCountTotal count of active transactionsUInt32
ExecuteThreadIdleCountCount of idle execution threadsUInt32
ExecuteThreadTotalCountTotal count of execution threadsUInt32
HeapFreeCurrentCurrent free heap MemoryFloat64
HeapFreePercentPercentage of free heap memoryFloat64
HeapSizeMaxMaximum heap sizeFloat64
HoggingThreadCountCount of hogging threadsUInt32
TransactionTotalCountTotal count of transactionsUInt32
TransactionTotalCount_diffTotal count of transactionsUInt32
TranscationAbandonedTotalCountNumber of transactions that have been abandonedUInt32
TranscationAbandonedTotalCount_diffNumber of transactions that have been abandonedUInt32
TranscationCommittedTotalCountThe total number of transactions that have been successfully committed.UInt32
TranscationCommittedTotalCount_diffThe total number of transactions that have been successfully committed.UInt32
TranscationRolledBackTotalCountThe total number of transactions that have been rolled back.Float64
TranscationRolledBackTotalCount_diffThe total number of transactions that have been rolled back.UInt32
memoryPoolNameRefers to the name of a memory pool in the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) heap.String
StartTimeRefers to the timestamp when a particular server instance, application, or resource was startedString
EndTimeRefers to the timestamp when a particular server instance, application, or resource was stopped or shut downString
NameName of the ApplicationString
DurationDuration of the ApplicationFloat64
MemoryAfterGc_maxRefers to the maximum amount of memory available in the JVM heap after a garbage collection (GC) eventFloat64
MemoryAfterGc_committedRepresents the amount of memory that is committed and available immediately after a garbage collection (GC) event.Float64
MemoryAfterGc_initRefers to the initial amount of memory available immediately after a garbage collection (GC) eventFloat64
MemoryAfterGc_usedIndicates the amount of memory that is being used by the JVM immediately after a garbage collection (GC) event.Float64
MemoryBeforeGc_initThe state of memory just before GC is performed.Float64
MemoryBeforeGc_committedIndicates the memory that is allocated and reserved for application use just prior to GC.Float64
MemoryBeforeGc_maxThe highest level of memory that was available for use just prior to GC.Float64
MemoryBeforeGc_usedThe amount of memory that was in use by the JVM immediately before a garbage collection (GC) event.Float64
Memory_CodeHeap_non_nmethods_MemoryAfterGc_committedThe amount of committed memory allocated for the non-nmethods code heap (such as JIT compiler code) immediately after a garbage collection (GC) event.Float64
Memory_Compressed_Class_Space_MemoryBeforeGc_usedThe amount of memory used in the compressed class space just before a garbage collection (GC) eventFloat64
Memory_Metaspace_MemoryBeforeGc_usedRepresents the amount of memory used in the Metaspace (which stores class metadata) immediately before a garbage collection (GC) event.Float64
Memory_PS_Eden_Space_MemoryBeforeGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Eden Space of the JVM heap immediately before a garbage collection (GC) eventFloat64
Memory_PS_Survivor_Space_MemoryBeforeGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Survivor Space of the JVM heap before a GC event.Float64
Memory_Compressed_Class_Space_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Compressed Class Space immediately after a GC event.Float64
Memory_Code_Cache_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Code Cache (for JIT-compiled code) immediately after a GC event.Float64
Memory_PS_Eden_Space_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Eden Space immediately after a GC event.Float64
Memory_PS_Old_Gen_MemoryBeforeGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Old Generation of the JVM heap immediately before a GC event.Float64
Memory_PS_Survivor_Space_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Survivor Space immediately after a GC event.Float64
Memory_PS_Old_Gen_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Old Generation immediately after a GC event.Float64
Memory_Metaspace_MemoryAfterGc_usedAmount of memory used in the Metaspace (for class metadata) immediately after a GC event.Float64
ThroughputPercentage of time the JVM spends doing application work versus time spent performing garbage collectionFloat64
StuckThreadCountNumber of threads that are considered "stuck" or not making progress, which may indicate performance issues or deadlocksUInt32
CollectionCountTotal number of garbage collection (GC) events that have occurred. This metric helps assess the frequency of garbage collections.UInt32
CollectionCount_diffDifference in the number of GC events over a specific period. It helps in understanding changes in GC activityUInt32
CollectionTimeTotal time spent performing garbage collections. This metric helps assess the impact of GC on application performanceUInt32
CollectionTime_diffDifference in the total time spent on GC between two time points. It indicates changes in garbage collection timeUInt32
JMS_HealthIndicates the health status of the Java Message Service (JMS) subsystemLowCardinality(String)
JTA_HealthRepresents the health status of the Java Transaction API (JTA) subsystem.LowCardinality(String)
APP_HealthHealth status of the applicationLowCardinality(String)
MemoryUsage_HeapMemoryUsage_committedRepresents the amount of heap memory that the JVM has committed and is available for use by the application.Float64
MemoryUsage_HeapMemoryUsage_initIndicates the initial amount of heap memory allocated by the JVM when it starts.Float64
MemoryUsage_HeapMemoryUsage_maxRepresents the maximum amount of heap memory that the JVM is allowed to use.Float64
MemoryUsage_HeapMemoryUsage_usedShows the amount of heap memory currently being used by the application.Float64
MemoryUsage_NonHeapMemoryUsage_committedRepresents the amount of non-heap memory committed by the JVM and available for use.Float64
MemoryUsage_NonHeapMemoryUsage_initIndicates the initial amount of non-heap memory allocated by the JVM when it starts.Float64
MemoryUsage_NonHeapMemoryUsage_maxRepresents the maximum amount of non-heap memory that the JVM is allowed to useFloat64
MemoryUsage_NonHeapMemoryUsage_usedShows the amount of non-heap memory currently in use by the JVM.Float64