AWS Route53
Amazon Route 53 is a scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) web service designed to route end-user requests to internet applications. With Amazon Route 53, developers can effortlessly register domain names, manage DNS settings, and perform health checks to ensure reliable application performance. The service integrates seamlessly with other AWS offerings, providing a unified experience for traffic management and routing at any scale. Whether used for simple websites or complex, global applications, Amazon Route 53 delivers low-latency, high-availability DNS solutions to meet diverse needs.
Getting Started
vuSmartMaps support monitoring of your Cloud DNS that uses AWS Route53, the metrics are fetched using AWS Cloudwatch API interface.
Data Collection Method
vuSmartmaps collects health and performance data for given DNS service using Telegraf Agent. This agent collects data based on the source's configuration which carry the region of Route53 deployment and AWS Credentials with the required AWS IAM permissions.
Dependent Configuration
To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'aws' under the 'Definition' tab.
Inputs for Configuring Data Source
- Data Source Name: Data source name to uniquely identify the source.
- AWS Credential: AWS credential that provides Access key and Secret key to access Cloudwatch.
- Polling Frequency: Specifies the interval in minutes at which data is collected. Data collection occurs once every specified period.
Firewall Requirement
To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:
Source IP | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol | Direction |
IP address(es) of the vuSmartmaps Server | AWS CloudWatch Endpoint | 443 | TCP | Outbound |
*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.
Configuring the Target
Health and Performance metrics of Route53 DNS is collected through AWS CloudWatch service. So AWS CloudWatch services must be enabled in your AWS account. AWS Route53 should have APIs configured for which monitoring is enabled. Please enabled detailed metrics if you want to see resource and method level metrics for HTTP APIs.
An IAM role or user with the following permissions to access CloudWatch metrics.
- cloudwatch:GetMetricData
- cloudwatch:ListMetrics
- cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics
- sts:GetCallerIdentity
- tag:GetResources
- tag:GetTagKeys
- ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones
Configuration Steps
- Enable the O11ySource.
- Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new Apache host to be monitored.
- Populate all the configurations.
- Click on Save to create the instance.
Metrics Collected
Name | Description | Data Type |
Timestamp | Timestamp of telegraf agent collecting the metrics | DateTime64 |
Region | AWS Region | LowCardinality(String) |
Host | Host details where telegraf is running | LowCardinality(String) |
Health Check ID | Health Check ID of the health check which is monitoring the DNS | LowCardinality(String) |
Hosted Zone ID | Hosted Zone ID of the hosted zone created for the DNS | LowCardinality(String) |
Tenant Id | Tenant Id | LowCardinality(String) |
BU Id | Business Unit ID | LowCardinality(String) |
Doc Type | Doc type for filtering various type of metrics collected in single table. | LowCardinality(String) |
Average Health Check Status | Average Health Check Status for health check created for DNS | Float64 |
Maximum Health Check Status | Maximum value for Health Check Status for health check created for DNS | UInt64 |
Avereage Percent Health Check | Average Health Check Percentage for health check created for DNS | Float64 |
Maximum Percent Health Check | Maximum Health Check Percentage for health check created for DNS | UInt64 |
Average Connection Time | Average Connection Time for DNS | Float64 |
Maximum Connection Time | Maximum Connection Time for DNS | UInt64 |
Average Count of Healthy Childs | Average Count of Healthy Child in health check | Float64 |
Maximum Count of Healthy Childs | Maximum Count of Healthy Child in health check | UInt64 |
Average SSL Handshake Time | Average SSL Handshake Time taken for connecting to DNS | Float64 |
Maximum SSL Handshake Time | Maximum SSL Handshake Time taken for connecting to DNS | UInt64 |
Average Time Taken for First Byte | Average Time taken to get first byte while connecting to DNS | Float64 |
Maxumum Time Taken for First Byte | Maximum Time taken to get first byte while connecting to DNS | UInt64 |
DNS Queries Sum | Sum of all DNS queries received in given period | UInt64 |
DNSSec Internal Failures | Sum of all the DNS Sec Internal Failures | UInt64 |
DNSSec Signing Key Age | Max age of the DNSSec singing key created | UInt64 |
DNSSec Signing Key Action Needed | Sum of all the DNSSec keys that needs action | UInt64 |
DNSSec Signing Key Age Needing Action | Max age of the DNSSec singing key which needs some action | UInt64 |