Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed Kubernetes service for containers and container clusters running on Google Cloud infrastructure. GKE is based on Kubernetes, an open source container management and orchestration platform developed by Google.
Getting Started
The Google Kubernetes Engine module is tested with the following versions of Google Kubernetes Engine: 1.25.x, 1.26.x and 1.27.x.
Data Collection Method
vuSmartMaps uses Healthbeat agent to collect health and performance of the K8s Clusters.
Inputs for Configuring Data Source
- Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Identifier: The IP Address/FQDN of the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
- Period (in seconds): How frequently data is gathered. period should be between 60 seconds - 3000 seconds
Firewall Requirement
To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:
Source IP | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol | Direction |
K8s Cluster Server IP | vuSmartMaps Data Collector Endpoint | 9092* | TCP | Inbound |
*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.
Configuring the Target
Google Kubernetes Engine endpoints and metricsets of Healthbeat
Google Kubernetes Engine is multi-layered by design. The telemetry has to be collected at different levels from various touchpoints and integration methods. Let us discuss all the touchpoints in this section.
In all these touchpoints, the /metrics api typically exposes the performance metrics.
Configuration Steps
- Enable Google Kubernetes Engine O11ySource, if not already in Enabled state.
- Select the sources tab and press the button to add a new Google Kubernetes Engine host that has to be monitored.
- After configuring the datasource, click the Save and Continue to download the agent.
- The following packages will be available for download:
- Google Kubernetes Engine full installer package - Downloads the full Google Kubernetes Engine based Healthbeat agent package with required configurations for a fresh installation
- Google Kubernetes Engine config update package - Downloads the agent configuration package to update an existing Google Kubernetes Engine based Healthbeat installation
- Download the agent installation or update package, then click Finish to close the data source window.
Metrics Collected
Name | Description | Data Type |
timestamp | Timestamp of healthbeat agent collecting the metrics | DateTime64(3) |
tenant_id | Tenant Id | LowCardinality(String) |
bu_id | Business Unit ID | LowCardinality(String) |
@timestamp | Time at which the data has been collected | String |
vublock_name | The name of vuBlock | String |
type | Type of the metricset collected | String |
target | The IP address of the server where the agent is running | String |
DeviceType | Device Type of the server | String |
OS | OS name of the server | String |
Owner | Owner of the server | String |
Role | Role of this cluster | String |
cluster_identifiers | Unique indentifier/name of the cluster to be monitored. | String |
kubernetes_namespace | Kubernetes namespace where the pod has been deployed. Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. | String |
kubernetes_node_name | Name of the node from from which the monitoring data has beeen collected. | String |
kubernetes_pod_name | Name of the pod from from which the monitoring data has beeen collected. | String |
kubernetes_container_name | Name of the container from from which the monitoring data has beeen collected. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_verb | The HTTP verb used in scheduler requests. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_host | The hostname of the scheduler service. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_code | HTTP status code for scheduler requests. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_method | The HTTP method used in scheduler requests. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_queue | The name of the scheduler work queue. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_event | The event type recorded by the scheduler. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_profile | The scheduler profile used. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_result | The result of the scheduler action. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_name | The name of the scheduler instance. | String |
kubernetes_scheduler_leader_is_master | Indicates if the scheduler leader is the master. | Bool |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_cpu_sec | CPU time consumed by the scheduler process (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_memory_resident_bytes | Resident memory usage by the scheduler process. | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_memory_virtual_bytes | Virtual memory usage by the scheduler process. | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_fds_open_count | Number of file descriptors currently open by the scheduler process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_fds_max_count | Maximum number of file descriptors allowed for the scheduler process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_process_started_sec | Time since the scheduler process started (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_request_count | Number of client requests received by the scheduler. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_request_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations for client requests (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_request_duration_us_count | Count of client requests with recorded durations. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_request_size_bytes_sum | Sum of sizes for client requests (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_request_size_bytes_count | Count of client requests with recorded sizes. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_response_size_bytes_count | Count of client responses with recorded sizes. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_client_response_size_bytes_sum | Sum of sizes for client responses (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_workqueue_longestrunning_sec | Longest running workqueue item duration (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_workqueue_unfinished_sec | Total duration of unfinished workqueue items (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_workqueue_adds_count | Number of adds to the workqueue. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_workqueue_depth_count | Number of items in the workqueue. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_workqueue_retries_count | Number of retries in the workqueue. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_pending_pods_count | Number of pods pending scheduling. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_preemption_victims_sum | Total number of preemption victims. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_preemption_victims_count | Count of preemption victims. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_preemption_attempts_count | Number of preemption attempts. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_attempts_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations for scheduling attempts (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_scheduler_scheduling_attempts_duration_us_count | Count of scheduling attempts with recorded durations. | UInt32" |
kubernetes_proxy_code | HTTP status code for proxy requests. | String |
kubernetes_proxy_method | The HTTP method used in proxy requests. | String |
kubernetes_proxy_host | The hostname of the proxy service. | String |
kubernetes_proxy_verb | The HTTP verb used in proxy requests. | String |
kubernetes_proxy_process_cpu_sec | CPU time consumed by the proxy process (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_process_memory_resident_bytes | Resident memory usage by the proxy process. | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_process_memory_virtual_bytes | Virtual memory usage by the proxy process. | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_process_fds_open_count | Number of file descriptors currently open by the proxy process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_proxy_process_fds_max_count | Maximum number of file descriptors allowed for the proxy process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_proxy_process_started_sec | Time since the proxy process started (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_request_count | Number of client requests received by the proxy. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_request_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations for client requests (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_request_duration_us_count | Count of client requests with recorded durations. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_request_size_bytes_sum | Sum of sizes for client requests (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_request_size_bytes_count | Count of client requests with recorded sizes. | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_response_size_bytes_count | Count of client responses with recorded sizes. | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_client_response_size_bytes_sum | Sum of sizes for client responses (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_sync_rules_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations for rule syncs (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_sync_rules_duration_us_count | Count of rule syncs with recorded durations. | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_sync_networkprogramming_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations for network programming (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_proxy_sync_networkprogramming_duration_us_count | Count of network programming syncs with recorded durations. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_start_time | The start time of the container (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_container_cpu_usage_core_ns | CPU usage of the container in core nanoseconds. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_cpu_usage_nanocores | CPU usage of the container in nanocores. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_cpu_usage_node_pct | Percentage of CPU usage relative to the node's capacity. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_cpu_usage_limit_pct | Percentage of CPU usage relative to the container's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_logs_available_bytes | Available bytes in container logs. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_logs_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of container logs. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_logs_used_bytes | Used bytes in container logs. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_logs_inodes_count | Number of inodes used in container logs. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_logs_inodes_free | Number of free inodes in container logs. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_logs_inodes_used | Number of used inodes in container logs. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_available_bytes | Available memory in the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_usage_bytes | Memory usage of the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_usage_node_pct | Percentage of memory usage relative to the node's capacity. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_usage_limit_pct | Percentage of memory usage relative to the container's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_rss_bytes | Resident Set Size (RSS) memory of the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_workingset_bytes | Working set memory of the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_workingset_limit_pct | Percentage of working set memory usage relative to the container's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_pagefaults | Number of page faults in the container's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_majorpagefaults | Number of major page faults in the container's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_rootfs_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of the container's root filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_rootfs_available_bytes | Available bytes in the container's root filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_rootfs_used_bytes | Used bytes in the container's root filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_rootfs_inodes_used | Number of used inodes in the container's root filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_start_time | The start time of the node (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_node_cpu_usage_core_ns | CPU usage of the node in core nanoseconds. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_cpu_usage_nanocores | CPU usage of the node in nanocores. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_available_bytes | Available memory on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_usage_bytes | Memory usage on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_usage_bytes_diff | Percentage of memory usage relative to the node's limit. | Int32 |
kubernetes_node_memory_usage_bytes_rate | Percentage of memory usage relative to the node's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_memory_rss_bytes | Resident Set Size (RSS) memory on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_workingset_bytes | Working set memory on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_pagefaults | Number of page faults on the node. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_memory_majorpagefaults | Number of major page faults on the node. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_bytes | Total number of bytes received by the node’s network interface. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_bytes_diff | Difference in the total number of bytes received by the node’s network interface over a given period. | Int32 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_bytes_rate | Rate of bytes received by the node’s network interface per second. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_errors | Total number of errors encountered when receiving bytes on the node’s network interface. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_errors_diff | Difference in the total number of receive errors on the node’s network interface over a given period. | Int32 |
kubernetes_node_network_rx_errors_rate | Rate of errors when receiving bytes on the node’s network interface per second. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_bytes | Total number of bytes sent by the node’s network interface. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_bytes_diff | Difference in the total number of bytes sent by the node’s network interface over a given period. | Int32 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_bytes_rate | Rate of bytes sent by the node’s network interface per second. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_errors | Total number of errors encountered when sending bytes on the node’s network interface. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_errors_diff | Difference in the total number of transmit errors on the node’s network interface over a given period. | Int32 |
kubernetes_node_network_tx_errors_rate | Rate of errors when sending bytes on the node’s network interface per second. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_fs_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of the node's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_fs_available_bytes | Available bytes in the node's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_fs_used_bytes | Used bytes in the node's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_fs_inodes_used | Number of used inodes in the node's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_fs_inodes_count | Total number of inodes in the node's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_fs_inodes_free | Number of free inodes in the node's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_node_runtime_imagefs_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of the image filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_runtime_imagefs_available_bytes | Available bytes in the image filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_runtime_imagefs_used_bytes | Used bytes in the image filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_start_time | The start time of the pod (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_bytes | Received network bytes by the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_bytes_diff | Difference in received network bytes by the pod. | Int32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_bytes_rate | Rate of received network bytes by the pod. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_errors | Number of received network errors by the pod. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_errors_diff | Difference in received network errors by the pod. | Int32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_rx_errors_rate | Rate of received network errors by the pod. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_bytes | Transmitted network bytes by the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_bytes_diff | Difference in transmitted network bytes by the pod. | Int32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_bytes_rate | Rate of transmitted network bytes by the pod. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_errors | Number of transmitted network errors by the pod. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_errors_diff | Difference in transmitted network errors by the pod. | Int32 |
kubernetes_pod_network_tx_errors_rate | Rate of transmitted network errors by the pod. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_cpu_usage_nanocores | CPU usage of the pod in nanocores. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_cpu_usage_node_pct | Percentage of CPU usage relative to the node's capacity. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_cpu_usage_limit_pct | Percentage of CPU usage relative to the pod's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_usage_bytes | Memory usage of the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_usage_node_pct | Percentage of memory usage relative to the node's capacity. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_usage_limit_pct | Percentage of memory usage relative to the pod's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_available_bytes | Available memory in the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_working_set_bytes | Working set memory of the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_working_set_limit_pct | Percentage of working set memory usage relative to the pod's limit. | Float32 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_rss_bytes | Resident Set Size (RSS) memory of the pod. | Float64 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_page_faults | Number of page faults in the pod's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_pod_memory_major_page_faults | Number of major page faults in the pod's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_id | Unique identifier for the container. | String |
kubernetes_container_status_phase | The current phase of the container (e.g., Running, Terminated). | String |
kubernetes_container_status_ready | Indicates if the container is ready. | Bool |
kubernetes_container_status_restarts | Number of restarts for the container. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_container_status_reason | Reason for the container's current status. | String |
kubernetes_container_status_last_terminated_reason | Reason for the last termination of the container. | String |
kubernetes_container_cpu_limit_cores | CPU limit set for the container (in cores). | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_cpu_request_cores | CPU request set for the container (in cores). | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_limit_bytes | Memory limit set for the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_request_bytes | Memory request set for the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_container | Name of the system container. | String |
kubernetes_system_start_time | Start time of the system container (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_system_cpu_usage_core_ns | CPU usage of the system container in core nanoseconds. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_cpu_usage_nanocores | CPU usage of the system container in nanocores. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_memory_usage_bytes | Memory usage of the system container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_memory_rss_bytes | Resident Set Size (RSS) memory of the system container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_memory_workingset_bytes | Working set memory of the system container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_system_memory_pagefaults | Number of page faults in the system container's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_system_memory_majorpagefaults | Number of major page faults in the system container's memory. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_volume_name | Name of the Kubernetes volume. | String |
kubernetes_volume_fs_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of the volume's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_available_bytes | Available bytes in the volume's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_used_bytes | Used bytes in the volume's filesystem. | Float64 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_used_pct | Percentage of used filesystem capacity. | Float32 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_inodes_used | Number of used inodes in the volume's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_inodes_free | Number of free inodes in the volume's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_inodes_count | Total number of inodes in the volume's filesystem. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_volume_fs_inodes_pct | Percentage of used inodes in the volume's filesystem. | Float32 |
kubernetes_replicaset_name | Name of the ReplicaSet. | String |
kubernetes_daemonset_name | Name of the DaemonSet. | String |
kubernetes_deployment_name | Name of the Deployment. | String |
kubernetes_statefulset_name | Name of the StatefulSet. | String |
kubernetes_container_status_phase | The current phase/status of the container (e.g., Running, Waiting, Terminated). | String |
kubernetes_container_status_ready | Indicates if the container is ready (1 for true, 0 for false). | Bool |
kubernetes_container_status_restarts | Number of times the container has restarted. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_container_status_reason | The reason for the container's last termination (e.g., OOMKilled, Error). | String |
kubernetes_container_status_last_terminated_reason | The reason for the container's last termination. | String |
kubernetes_container_cpu_limit_cores | The maximum amount of CPU cores allocated to the container. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_cpu_request_cores | The requested amount of CPU cores for the container. | Float32 |
kubernetes_container_memory_limit_bytes | The maximum amount of memory (in bytes) allocated to the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_container_memory_request_bytes | The requested amount of memory (in bytes) for the container. | Float64 |
kubernetes_cronjob_name | Name of the CronJob. | String |
kubernetes_cronjob_schedule | Cron schedule for the CronJob. | String |
kubernetes_cronjob_concurrency | Concurrency policy for the CronJob. | String |
kubernetes_cronjob_active_count | Number of currently active CronJobs. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_cronjob_is_suspended | Indicates if the CronJob is suspended. | Bool |
kubernetes_cronjob_created_sec | Creation time of the CronJob (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_cronjob_last_schedule_sec | Last schedule time of the CronJob (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_cronjob_next_schedule_sec | Next schedule time of the CronJob (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_cronjob_deadline_sec | Deadline for the CronJob to finish (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_daemonset_replicas_available | Number of available replicas in the DaemonSet. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_daemonset_replicas_desired | Desired number of replicas in the DaemonSet. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_daemonset_replicas_ready | Number of ready replicas in the DaemonSet. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_daemonset_replicas_unavailable | Number of unavailable replicas in the DaemonSet. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_paused | Indicates if the Deployment is paused. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_status_available | Number of available replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_status_progressing | Number of progressing replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_replicas_desired | Desired number of replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_replicas_available | Number of available replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_replicas_unavailable | Number of unavailable replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_deployment_replicas_updated | Number of updated replicas in the Deployment. | UInt8 |
kubernetes_job_name | Name of the Job. | String |
kubernetes_job_pods_active | Number of active pods in the Job. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_job_pods_failed | Number of failed pods in the Job. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_job_pods_succeeded | Number of succeeded pods in the Job. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_job_time_created | Creation time of the Job (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_job_time_completed | Completion time of the Job (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_job_completions_desired | Desired number of completions for the Job. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_job_parallelism_desired | Desired level of parallelism for the Job. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_job_owner_name | Name of the Job owner. | String |
kubernetes_job_owner_kind | Kind of the Job owner. | String |
kubernetes_job_owner_is_controller | Indicates if the Job owner is a controller. | String |
kubernetes_job_status_complete | Indicates if the Job status is complete. | String |
kubernetes_job_status_failed | Indicates if the Job status is failed. | String |
kubernetes_state_namespace_created_sec | Creation time of the namespace (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_state_namespace_status_active | Status indicating if the namespace is active. | Bool |
kubernetes_state_namespace_status_terminating | Status indicating if the namespace is terminating. | Bool |
kubernetes_node_status_ready | Indicates if the node is ready. | String |
kubernetes_node_status_unschedulable | Indicates if the node is unschedulable. | Bool |
kubernetes_node_status_memory_pressure | Indicates if the node is under memory pressure. | String |
kubernetes_node_status_disk_pressure | Indicates if the node is under disk pressure. | String |
kubernetes_node_status_out_of_disk | Indicates if the node is out of disk space. | String |
kubernetes_node_status_pid_pressure | Indicates if the node is under PID pressure. | String |
kubernetes_node_status_network_unavailable | Indicates if the node's network is unavailable. | String |
kubernetes_node_cpu_allocatable_cores | Number of allocatable CPU cores on the node. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_cpu_capacity_cores | Total CPU capacity of the node in cores. | Float32 |
kubernetes_node_memory_allocatable_bytes | Number of allocatable memory bytes on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_memory_capacity_bytes | Total memory capacity of the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_pod_allocatable_total | Total number of pods allocatable on the node. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_pod_capacity_total | Total number of pods that the node can support. | Float64 |
kubernetes_node_kubelet_version | Version of the Kubelet running on the node. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolume_name | Name of the PersistentVolume. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes | Total capacity of the PersistentVolume. | Float64 |
kubernetes_persistentvolume_phase | Phase of the PersistentVolume (e.g., Bound, Available). | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolume_storage_class | Storage class of the PersistentVolume. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_name | Name of the PersistentVolumeClaim. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_volume_name | Name of the PersistentVolume associated with the claim. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_request_storage_bytes | Storage requested by the PersistentVolumeClaim. | Float64 |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_phase | Phase of the PersistentVolumeClaim (e.g., Bound, Pending). | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode | Access mode of the PersistentVolumeClaim (e.g., ReadWriteOnce). | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_storage_class | Storage class of the PersistentVolumeClaim. | String |
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim_created | Creation time of the PersistentVolumeClaim (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_pod_host_ip | Host IP address of the pod. | String |
kubernetes_pod_status_phase | Phase of the pod (e.g., Running, Pending). | String |
kubernetes_pod_status_ready | Indicates if the pod is ready. | String |
kubernetes_pod_status_scheduled | Indicates if the pod is scheduled. | String |
kubernetes_replicaset_replicas_available | Number of available replicas in the ReplicaSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_replicaset_replicas_desired | Desired number of replicas in the ReplicaSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_replicaset_replicas_ready | Number of ready replicas in the ReplicaSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_replicaset_replicas_observed | Number of observed replicas in the ReplicaSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_replicaset_replicas_labeled | Number of labeled replicas in the ReplicaSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_resourcequota_created_sec | Creation time of the ResourceQuota (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_resourcequota_quota | Quota set by the ResourceQuota. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_resourcequota_name | Name of the ResourceQuota. | String |
kubernetes_resourcequota_type | Type of the ResourceQuota (e.g., Memory, CPU). | String |
kubernetes_resourcequota_resource | Resource type in the ResourceQuota (e.g., cpu, memory). | String |
kubernetes_service_name | Name of the Service. | String |
kubernetes_service_cluster_ip | Cluster IP of the Service. | String |
kubernetes_service_external_name | External name of the Service (if applicable). | String |
kubernetes_service_external_ip | External IP of the Service (if applicable). | String |
kubernetes_service_load_balancer_ip | Load Balancer IP of the Service (if applicable). | String |
kubernetes_service_type | Type of the Service (e.g., ClusterIP, LoadBalancer). | String |
kubernetes_service_ingress_ip | Ingress IP of the Service (if applicable). | String |
kubernetes_service_ingress_hostname | Ingress hostname of the Service (if applicable). | String |
kubernetes_service_created | Creation time of the Service (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_statefulset_created | Creation time of the StatefulSet (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_statefulset_replicas_observed | Number of observed replicas in the StatefulSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_statefulset_replicas_desired | Desired number of replicas in the StatefulSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_statefulset_replicas_ready | Number of ready replicas in the StatefulSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_statefulset_generation_observed | Observed generation of the StatefulSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_statefulset_generation_desired | Desired generation of the StatefulSet. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_storageclass_name | Name of the StorageClass. | String |
kubernetes_storageclass_provisioner | Provisioner for the StorageClass. | String |
kubernetes_storageclass_reclaim_policy | Reclaim policy for the StorageClass (e.g., Retain, Delete). | String |
kubernetes_storageclass_volume_binding_mode | Volume binding mode for the StorageClass. | String |
kubernetes_storageclass_created | Creation time of the StorageClass (in seconds since epoch). | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_event_count | Total number of Kubernetes events. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_event_count_diff | Difference in event count over time. | Int32 |
kubernetes_event_count_rate | Rate of Kubernetes events occurring. | Float32 |
kubernetes_event_timestamp_first_occurrence | Timestamp of the first occurrence of the event. | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_event_timestamp_last_occurrence | Timestamp of the last occurrence of the event. | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_event_message | Message associated with the Kubernetes event. | String |
kubernetes_event_reason | Reason for the Kubernetes event. | String |
kubernetes_event_type | Type of the Kubernetes event (e.g., Normal, Warning). | String |
kubernetes_event_source_component | Component that generated the Kubernetes event. | String |
kubernetes_event_source_host | Host that generated the Kubernetes event. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_timestamp_created | Timestamp when the event metadata was created. | DateTime64(3) |
kubernetes_event_metadata_generate_name | Generated name of the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_name | Name of the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_namespace | Namespace associated with the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_resource_version | Resource version of the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_uid | UID of the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_metadata_self_link | Self link of the event metadata. | String |
kubernetes_event_involved_object_api_version | API version of the involved object in the event. | String |
kubernetes_event_involved_object_kind | Kind of the involved object in the event. | String |
kubernetes_event_involved_object_name | Name of the involved object in the event. | String |
kubernetes_event_involved_object_resource_version | Resource version of the involved object in the event. | String |
kubernetes_event_involved_object_uid | UID of the involved object in the event. | String |
kubernetes_replicaset_name | Name of the ReplicaSet. | String |
kubernetes_daemonset_name | Name of the DaemonSet. | String |
kubernetes_deployment_name | Name of the Deployment. | String |
kubernetes_statefulset_name | Name of the StatefulSet. | String |
metrics_metric_name | Name of the metric. | String |
metrics_metric_value | Value of the metric. | Float64 |
labels | Labels associated with the metric or resource. | Map(LowCardinality(String) |
kubernetes_controllermanager_verb | HTTP verb used by the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_code | HTTP response code from the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_method | HTTP method used by the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_host | Host of the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_name | Name of the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_zone | Zone of the Controller Manager. | String |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_cpu_sec | CPU time used by the Controller Manager process (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_memory_resident_bytes | Resident memory usage of the Controller Manager process (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_memory_virtual_bytes | Virtual memory usage of the Controller Manager process (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_fds_open_count | Number of open file descriptors for the Controller Manager process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_fds_max_count | Maximum number of file descriptors for the Controller Manager process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_process_started_sec | Process start time of the Controller Manager (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_request_count | Number of client requests received by the Controller Manager. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_request_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations of client requests (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_request_duration_us_count | Number of client requests. | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_request_size_bytes_sum | Sum of client request sizes (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_request_size_bytes_count | Number of client requests with size data. | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_response_size_bytes_count | Number of client responses with size data. | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_client_response_size_bytes_sum | Sum of client response sizes (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_workqueue_longestrunning_sec | Longest running work item duration in the work queue (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_workqueue_unfinished_sec | Time duration of unfinished work items in the work queue (in seconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_workqueue_adds_count | Number of work items added to the work queue. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_workqueue_depth_count | Depth of the work queue (number of items in the queue). | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_workqueue_retries_count | Number of retries for work items in the work queue. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_node_collector_eviction_count | Number of evictions handled by the node collector. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_node_collector_unhealthy_count | Number of unhealthy nodes detected by the node collector. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_node_collector_count | Number of nodes collected by the node collector. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_node_collector_health_pct | Health percentage of nodes collected by the node collector. | Float32 |
kubernetes_controllermanager_leader_is_master | Indicates if the Controller Manager is the leader master. | Bool |
kubernetes_apiserver_major_version | Major version of the Kubernetes API server. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_minor_version | Minor version of the Kubernetes API server. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_resource | Resource type of the API request (e.g., pods, nodes). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_subresource | Subresource type of the API request (e.g., status). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_scope | Scope of the API request (e.g., cluster, namespace). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_verb | HTTP verb used in the API request. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_code | HTTP response code from the API server. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_content_type | Content type of the API request (e.g., application/json). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_dry_run | Indicates if the API request was a dry run. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_kind | Kind of resource requested by the API. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_component | Component making the API request (e.g., kubectl, controller). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_group | API group of the request (e.g., apps, batch). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_version | API version of the request (e.g., v1, v1beta1). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_handler | Handler for the API request (e.g., GET, POST). | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_method | HTTP method used in the API request. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_host | Host of the API server handling the request. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_cpu_sec | CPU time used by the API server process (in seconds). | Float64 |
Kubernetes_apiserver_process_cpu_sec_diff | Difference in CPU time used by the API server process. | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_cpu_sec_rate | Rate of CPU time used by the API server process. | Float32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_memory_resident_bytes | Resident memory usage of the API server process (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_memory_virtual_bytes | Virtual memory usage of the API server process (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_fds_open_count | Number of open file descriptors for the API server process. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_process_started_sec | Process start time of the API server (in seconds since epoch). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_watch_events_size_bytes_sum | Sum of sizes of watch events (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_watch_events_size_bytes_count | Number of watch events with size data. | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_watch_events_kind | Kind of watch events. | String |
kubernetes_apiserver_response_size_bytes_sum | Sum of response sizes (in bytes). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_response_size_bytes_count | Number of responses with size data. | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_client_request_count | Number of client requests received by the API server. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_client_request_count_diff | Difference in client request count. | Int32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_client_request_count_rate | Rate of client requests received by the API server. | Float32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_count | Total number of API requests. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_count_diff | Difference in API request count. | Int32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_count_rate | Rate of API requests received. | Float32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_duration_us_sum | Sum of durations of API requests (in microseconds). | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_duration_us_count | Number of API requests with duration data. | Float64 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_current_count | Current number of API requests. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_request_longrunning_count | Number of long-running API requests. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_etcd_object_count | Number of objects in etcd. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_event_count | Number of audit events. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_event_count_diff | Difference in audit event count. | Int32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_event_count_rate | Rate of audit events. | Float32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_rejected_count | Number of rejected audit events. | UInt32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_rejected_count_diff | Difference in rejected audit event count. | Int32 |
kubernetes_apiserver_audit_rejected_count_rate | Rate of rejected audit events. | Float32 |