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Version: NG-2.14

HTTP Poller


The HTTP Poller O11ysource enables users to collect metrics and data from external HTTP endpoints by periodically making HTTP requests. This is particularly useful for gathering data from APIs, status endpoints, or other HTTP-accessible resources that provide monitoring or telemetry data in JSON or XML format.

Getting Started


vuSmartMaps provides seamless integration and real-time data monitoring by collecting data from external systems via HTTP requests to REST APIs. It currently supports the following authentication mechanisms. *No Authentication *Basic Authentication *Bearer Token Authentication (Static token input or dynamic token retrieval from URL) *Cookie Authentication

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects REST API data using an internal data collector. This agent collects data based on the source configuration.


Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Service: Service is the unique identifier assigned to the current source.
  • Authentication Type: Authentication Type to be configured.
  • Credential: Credential that provides username and password to access the REST API.
  • Base URL: The Base URL serves as the root address for Login and all other endpoints. For instance, if the Login URL is https://vuinterface/api/default/session?client_type=rest_api_client/ and an Endpoint URL is https://vuinterface/vuSmartMaps/api/1/bu/1/vuconfig/settings/, then the Base URL would be https://vuinterface/. This URL must start with http or https, followed by either an IP address or domain name, and must not exceed 255 characters.
  • Period (in seconds): Interval in seconds. Interval should be between 60 - 100000. This is the Polling Interval common to all the Endpoint(s).
  • Token: Enter the full Bearer token string here to use for API calls.
  • Login Url: The Login URL is the address used to log in to this data source. It can either be a complete URL, starting with http or https followed by an IP address or domain name (e.g., https://vuinterface/api/default/session?client_type=rest_api_client/), or simply the path after the Base URL (e.g., api/default/session?client_type=rest_api_client/). If a complete URL is provided, it will override the specified Base URL. The Login URL must not exceed 255 characters.
  • Login Header: Enter the Header Type and Header Value as key-value pairs, placing each pair on a new line without commas.
  • Login Body: The actual body to be sent in the login request.
  • Token Source: The login response is expected to contain the token required for all subsequent requests. This configuration defines where to locate the token in the login response, whether in the HTTP header or within the response body.
  • Token Prefix: The Token Prefix is added to the token received in the login response and is used in subsequent requests. For example: authToken.
  • Token Field: If the Token Source is Header, this field specifies which HTTP header contains the token. If the Token Source is >Body and the login response is in JSON format, this field indicates the name of the JSON field that holds the token.
  • Logout URL: The Logout URL is the address used for logging out from this data source. It can either be the full URL, starting with http:// or https:// followed by an IP address or domain name, or just the path to the Logout URL (i.e., the portion after the base URL). The URL cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • Endpoint(s): The Endpoint Name is an identifier for an endpoint. It must be less than 64 characters in length.
  • Endpoint Name: The Endpoint Name is an identifier for an endpoint. It must be less than 64 characters in length.
  • HTTP Method: Select the HTTP Method.
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL for this data source. It can either be the full URL, starting with http:// or https:// followed by an IP address or domain name (e.g., https://vuinterface/vuSmartMaps/api/1/bu/1/vuconfig/settings/), or just the path after the Base URL (e.g., /vuSmartMaps/api/1/bu/1/vuconfig/settings/). Providing the complete Endpoint URL will override the Base URL. The URL address cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • Header: Enter the Header Type and Header Value as key-value pairs, placing each pair on a new line without commas.
  • Request Body: The Request Body is in JSON format for HTTP requests. It should be used only with the HTTP methods POST and PUT.

Configuring the Target

Enable remote access on the API Server from vuSmartMaps Server.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the HTTP Poller O11ySource.
  • Select the sources tab and press the + button to add a new instance that has to be monitored.
  • Provide the required configurations.
  • Click Save to close the data source window.