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Version: NG-2.14

Kong API Gateway


Kong Gateway is a lightweight, fast, and flexible cloud-native API gateway. An API gateway is a reverse proxy that lets you manage, configure, and route requests to your APIs.

Getting Started


vuSmartMaps supports the monitoring of the Kong API Gateway metric using prometheus endpoint.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for Kong API Gateway using VuNet's Internal Data Collector.


Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Kong API Server: The IP Address/FQDN of the Kong API server. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
  • Kong Server's Endpoint: The URL to Kong API Server endpoint. Eg:,, or
  • Period (in seconds): Time interval for polling data from the Kong API Server. Period should be between 60 seconds – 3000 seconds.

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPKong API Gateway8101*TCPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Health and Performance metrics from prometheus endpoint. Telemetry endpoint must be enabled in the Kong API server so that /metrics endpoint must accessible from the vuSmartMaps Server. Please refer here for more details to enable the end point.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the O11ySource.
  • Select the sources tab and press the + button to add a new instance that has to be monitored.
  • Provide the required configurations:
  • *Kong API Server
  • *Kong Server's Endpoint
  • *Period (in seconds)
  • Click Save to close the data source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
@timestampTimestamp at which the data is collected by agentString
timestampPrecise event timestamp with millisecondsDateTime64(3)
targetServer from where the data is collectedString
tags_hostServer from where the data is collectedString
doc_typeDocument type of the entryString
tenant_idTenant ID for the metrics entryLowCardinality(String)
bu_idBusiness Unit ID for the entryLowCardinality(String)
tags_urlURL endpoint from where the request is being madeString
tags_serviceService name related to the APIString
tags_routeRoute associated with the APIString
tags_directionDirection of the API call (inbound/outbound)String
tags_codeHTTP status codeUInt16
tags_shared_dictShared dictionary in useString
tags_subsystemSubsystem generating the metricString
tags_kong_subsystemKong subsystemString
tags_stateState of the requestString
tags_node_idNode ID of the Kong instanceString
metric_nameName of the metric being recordedString
metric_valueValue of the recorded metricFloat64
metric_value_diffDifference in metric valueFloat64
tags_pidProcess ID of the Kong instanceUInt32
hostHost on which Kong is runningString
PortPort of the Kong instanceString
tags_targetTarget of the upstream serviceString
tags_upstreamUpstream service in the requestString
tags_addressAddress of the service or hostString