MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use. It is widely used for storing and managing structured data in various applications, from small websites to large-scale enterprise systems.
Getting Started
The MySQL O11ySource is designed to work with all versions greater than or equal to 5.7, and it has been tested with MySQL 8.0.
Qcache queries will not work with version 8.x, as the feature has been revoked.
Data Collection Method
The MySQL O11ySource is configured to collect various kinds of metrics related to MySQL Performance & MySQL Engine Performance, Additionally, if MySQL is deployed in non-standalone mode, it also collects metrics for Group Replication, Master-Slave related metrics & Galera Cluster Metrics. Error logs and slow log details are also captured.
vuSmartMaps uses an internal agent to collect MySQL Performance Metrics, MySQL Engine Performance Metrics, MySQL Master-Slave Metrics, MySQL Group Replication, MySQL Galera Cluster Metrics Logbeat agent is used to collect MySQL Slow Logs, MySQL Error Logs
Dependent Configuration
To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'user' under the 'Definition' tab.
Inputs for Configuring Data Source
- Instance Name: Please enter the name of the MySQL instance. This should be a unique identifier for the specific MySQL deployment you want to monitor.
- DB Details: Please provide the details of DB
- IP Address: IP address needs to be a valid IP Address.
- Port: Enter a valid port
- Credential: This field is required
- DB Instance Role: DB Instance Role to indetify whether it is master or slave
- DB Name: Name of the database to be polled for metrics
- Metrics Collection Queries: These queries are utilized for Mysql server's metrics. You have the flexibility to modify the queries, adjust the polling interval, or include additional queries to capture any additional metrics as needed.
- Query: Choose the Queries
- Polling Interval [seconds]: How frequently data is gathered. interval should be between 60 - 3000 seconds
- Slow Log Path: Enter the valid MySQL slow logfile’s entire path
- Error Log Path: Enter the valid MySQL error logfile’s entire path
Firewall Requirement
To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:
Source IP | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol | Direction |
vuSmartMaps IP | IP address of the MySQL server | 3306* | TCP | Outbound |
IP address of the MySQL server | vuSmartMaps Kafka Broker IP | 9092* | TCP | Inbound |
*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.
Configuring the Target
Configure Metrics Collection from MySQL Server
- On each MySQL server, create a database user for the vuSmartMaps Agent.
- *For MySQL 5.6 or MySQL 5.7 create the vunet user with the following command:
- *or MySQL 8.0 or greater, create the vunet user with the native password hashing method:
CREATE USER 'vunet'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password '<UNIQUEPASSWORD>';
- The vuSmartMaps agent required the below permissions to collect the metrics from MySQL. Grant the
user only the following limited privileges: - *Grant replication client with the following command:
- *Grant replication client with the following command:
GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'vunet'@'%';
- *Grant replication client with the following command:
GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.* TO 'vunet'@'%';
GRANT SELECT ON sys.schema_unused_indexes TO 'vunet'@'%';
GRANT SELECT ON sys.x$statements_with_full_table_scans TO 'vunet'@'%';
Configure Logs Collection from MySQL Server
By default, MySQL logs everything in /var/log/syslog. To make the logs more accessible, follow these steps:
- Edit /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf and remove or comment the lines.
- Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add the following lines to enable general, error, and slow query logs:
log_error = /var/log/mysql/mysql_error.log
general_log = on
general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
log_error = /var/log/mysql/mysql_error.log
slow_query_log = on
slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql_slow.log
long_query_time = 2
- Save the file and restart MySQL using the following command:
service mysql restart
Configuration Steps
- Enable the O11ySource.
- Select the Sources tab and press the
button to add MySQL instance details that has to be monitored. - Set up metrics and log collection configurations.The O11ysource already provides predefined metric collection queries. You have the flexibility to adjust query intervals, modify existing queries, and introduce new queries as needed. Afterwards, select Save and Continue to proceed with downloading the Logbeat agent.
- The following packages will be available for download based on the OS <Logbeat full install package> - Downloads the full Logbeat agent package with required configurations for a fresh installation <Logbeat config update package> - Downloads the agent configuration package to update an existing Logbeat installation
- Download the agent installation or update package, then click Finish to close the data source window.
Metrics Collected
Name | Description | Data Type |
timestamp | The timestamp when the metrics were recorded | DateTime64 |
tenant_id | The tenant ID | LowCardinality(String) |
bu_id | The business unit ID | LowCardinality(String) |
host | The host name where the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
type | The type of the entity being monitored | LowCardinality(String) |
ClusterID | Name of the culster for which the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
DBName | Name of the database for which the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
ThreadId | Unique identifier for the thread where the log was generated. | String |
LogLevel | Severity level of the log message | String |
Logmessage | Content of the log entry detailing an event or issue. | String |
tags | Metadata or labels associated with the log for easier categorization. | Array(String) |
message | The actual text or content of the log entry. | String |
timestamp | The timestamp when the metrics were recorded | DateTime64 |
tenant_id | The tenant ID | LowCardinality(String) |
bu_id | The business unit ID | LowCardinality(String) |
host | The host name where the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
type | The type of the entity being monitored | LowCardinality(String) |
ClusterID | Name of the culster for which the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
DBName | Name of the database for which the metrics are collected | LowCardinality(String) |
uniqueId | Unique identifier for the record | LowCardinality(String) |
Com_delete | Total number of DELETE commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_select | Total number of SELECT commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_insert | Total number of INSERT commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_update | Total number of UPDATE commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_delete_multi | Total number of multi-row DELETE commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_insert_select | Total number of INSERT...SELECT commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_replace_select | Total number of REPLACE...SELECT commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_update_multi | Total number of multi-row UPDATE commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_replace | Total number of REPLACE commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_load | Total number of LOAD commands executed. | UInt64 |
Com_delete_diff | Difference in the number of DELETE commands executed over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_insert_diff | Difference in the number of INSERT commands executed over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_select_diff | Difference in the number of SELECT commands executed over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_update_diff | Difference in the number of UPDATE commands executed over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_delete_multi_diff | Difference in the number of multi-row DELETE commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_insert_select_diff | Difference in the number of INSERT...SELECT commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_replace_select_diff | Difference in the number of REPLACE...SELECT commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_update_multi_diff | Difference in the number of multi-row UPDATE commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_replace_diff | Difference in the number of REPLACE commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
Com_load_diff | Difference in the number of LOAD commands over a time interval. | UInt64 |
cluster_size | The current size of the Galera cluster (number of nodes). | UInt64 |
wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg | Average size of the local receive queue. | Float64 |
wsrep_flow_control_paused | Fraction of time replication is paused due to flow control. | Float64 |
wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | Flow control pause time in nanoseconds. | Float64 |
wsrep_flow_control_recv | Number of flow control messages received. | UInt64 |
wsrep_flow_control_sent | Number of flow control messages sent. | UInt64 |
wsrep_cert_deps_distance | Average distance between certifying transactions. | Float64 |
wsrep_local_send_queue_avg | Average size of the local send queue. | Float64 |
wsrep_received_bytes | Total number of bytes received from the cluster. | UInt64 |
wsrep_replicated_bytes | Total number of bytes replicated to the cluster. | UInt64 |
wsrep_received | Number of replication messages received from the cluster. | UInt64 |
wsrep_local_state | Local node's current state in the Galera cluster. | UInt64 |
wsrep_local_cert_failures | Number of certification failures on the local node. | UInt64 |
wsrep_local_state_comment | Human-readable description of the local node's current state. | String |
total_size_mb | Total size in mb | Float64 |
object_schema | The schema name of the database object | String |
object_name | The name of the database object | String |
index_name | The name of the index on the object | String |
Auto_Position | Auto position setting | String |
Channel_Name | Replication channel name | String |
Connect_Retry | Retry interval in seconds | UInt64 |
Exec_Master_Log_Pos | Exec master log position | UInt64 |
Executed_Gtid_Set | Executed GTID set | String |
Get_master_public_key | Master public key request | String |
Last_Errno | Last error number | UInt64 |
Last_Error | Last error description | String |
Last_IO_Errno | Last I/O error number | UInt64 |
Last_IO_Error | Last I/O error description | String |
Last_IO_Error_Timestamp | Last I/O error timestamp | String |
Last_SQL_Errno | Last SQL error number | UInt64 |
Last_SQL_Error | Last SQL error description | String |
Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp | Last SQL error timestamp | String |
Master_Bind | Master binding address | String |
Master_Host | Master host name | String |
Master_Info_File | Master info file path | String |
Master_Log_File | Master log file name | String |
Master_Port | Master server port | String |
Master_Retry_Count | Number of master retries | String |
Master_SSL_Allowed | Master SSL allowed status | String |
Master_SSL_CA_File | Master SSL CA file | String |
Master_SSL_CA_Path | Master SSL CA path | String |
Master_SSL_Cert | Master SSL certificate | String |
Master_SSL_Cipher | Master SSL cipher | String |
Master_SSL_Crl | Master SSL CRL file | String |
Master_SSL_Crlpath | Master SSL CRL path | String |
Master_SSL_Key | Master SSL key file | String |
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert | SSL server certificate verify | String |
Master_Server_Id | Master server identifier | String |
Master_TLS_Version | Master TLS version | String |
Master_UUID | Master UUID | String |
Master_User | Master username | String |
Master_public_key_path | Master public key path | String |
Network_Namespace | Network namespace | String |
Read_Master_Log_Pos | Read master log position | UInt64 |
Relay_Log_File | Relay log file name | String |
Relay_Log_Pos | Relay log position | UInt64 |
Relay_Log_Space | Relay log space used | UInt64 |
Relay_Master_Log_File | Relay master log file | String |
Replicate_Do_DB | Database replication inclusion | String |
Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids | Domain IDs to replicate | String |
Replicate_Do_Table | Table replication inclusion | String |
Replicate_Ignore_DB | Database replication exclusion | String |
Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids | Server IDs to ignore | String |
Replicate_Ignore_Table | Table replication exclusion | String |
Replicate_Rewrite_DB | Database rewrite rule | String |
Replicate_Wild_Do_Table | Wildcard table replication inclusion | String |
Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table | Wildcard table replication exclusion | String |
Retrieved_Gtid_Set | Retrieved GTID set | String |
SQL_Delay | SQL delay in seconds | UInt64 |
Seconds_Behind_Master | Seconds behind master | UInt64 |
Skip_Counter | Skip counter value | UInt64 |
Slave_IO_Running | Slave I/O running status | String |
Slave_IO_State | Slave I/O state | String |
Slave_SQL_Running | Slave SQL running status | String |
Slave_SQL_Running_State | Slave SQL running state | String |
Slave_Transactional_Groups | Transactional group count | UInt64 |
Until_Condition | Replication until condition | String |
Until_Log_File | Replication until log file | String |
Until_Log_Pos | Replication until log position | UInt64 |
Last_Errno_diff | Last error number difference | UInt64 |
Last_IO_Errno_diff | Last I/O error number difference | UInt64 |
Last_SQL_Errno_diff | Last SQL error number difference | UInt64 |
ID | Unique identifier for the process | UInt64 |
USER | The user executing the command | String |
HOST | The host from which the command is executed | String |
DB | The DB used | String |
COMMAND | The command being executed | String |
TIME | Time in seconds the command has been running | UInt64 |
STATE | Current state of the command | String |
INFO | Current Info | String |
EXECUTION_ENGINE | Execution engine | String |
User | The name of the user who executed the query | String |
IPAddress | IP address of the user or client | LowCardinality(String) |
ThreadId | Identifier of the thread processing the query | String |
QueryTime | Time taken to execute the query | Float64 |
LockTime | Time spent waiting for locks during query execution | Float64 |
RowsSent | Number of rows sent to the client | UInt64 |
RowsExamined | Number of rows examined while executing the query | UInt64 |
Query | The actual query executed by the user | String |
tags | Array of tags associated with the query log | Array(String) |
message | Log message associated with the query | String |
table_scan_query | Query that involved a table scan | String |
table_scan_db | Database where the table scan occurred | String |
table_scan_exec_count | Number of times the table scan was executed | UInt64 |
table_scan_total_latency | Total latency of the table scan execution | UInt64 |
table_scan_no_index_used_pct | Percentage of table scans without index usage | String |
table_scan_row_sent_avg | Average number of rows sent during table scans | String |
table_scan_rows_examined | Number of rows examined during table scans | String |
table_scan_first_seen | Timestamp when the table scan was first observed | DateTime64 |
table_scan_last_seen | Timestamp when the table scan was last observed | DateTime64 |
MEMBER_HOST | Hostname of the member | String |
MEMBER_STATE | Current state of the member | String |
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_LOCAL_PROPOSED | Count of locally proposed transactions | UInt64 |
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_LOCAL_ROLLBACK | Count of locally rolled-back transactions | UInt64 |
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_ROWS_VALIDATING | Count of rows being validated during transactions | UInt64 |
COUNT_CONFLICTS_DETECTED | Count of conflicts detected during transactions | UInt64 |
Count_transactions_checked | Count of transactions that were checked | UInt64 |
TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED_ALL_MEMBERS | Transactions committed across all members | String |
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_IN_QUEUE | Count of transactions waiting in the queue | UInt64 |
uniqueId | Unique identifier for the record | LowCardinality(String) |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_delete_mark | Count of delete mark merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_delete | Count of delete merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_insert | Count of insert merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges | Total count of merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs | Count of pending fsync operations for the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_pending_writes | Count of pending write operations for the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits | Count of spin waits for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits | Count of spin waits for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds | Count of spin rounds for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds | Count of spin rounds for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits | Count of operating system waits for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits | Count of operating system waits for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | Total number of pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | Number of data pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_page_size | Size of InnoDB pages | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | Count of dirty pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_row_lock_current_waits | Current count of row lock waits | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_writes | Count of data writes to the InnoDB storage | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_reads | Count of data reads from the InnoDB storage | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_fsyncs | Count of fsync operations on the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_row_lock_time | Total time spent on row locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_row_lock_waits | Total number of row lock waits | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_fsyncs | Count of data fsync operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs | Count of pending fsync operations for data | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_pending_reads | Count of pending read operations for data | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_pending_writes | Count of pending write operations for data | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_read | Total bytes of data read | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_written | Total bytes of data written | UInt64 |
Innodb_dblwr_pages_written | Count of pages written by double write | UInt64 |
Innodb_dblwr_writes | Count of double write operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | Count of pages flushed from the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | Number of free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead | Count of read-ahead requests in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | Count of evicted pages during read-ahead operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | Count of random read-ahead requests in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free | Count of waits for free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | Count of write requests to the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_waits | Count of waits for log operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_write_requests | Count of log write requests | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_writes | Count of log writes | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_written | Total bytes written to the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_created | Count of pages created in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_read | Count of pages read in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_written | Count of pages written in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_rows_deleted | Count of rows deleted in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_rows_inserted | Count of rows inserted in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_rows_read | Count of rows read in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_rows_updated | Count of rows updated in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads | Count of reads from the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | Count of read requests in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data | Total bytes of data in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty | Total bytes of dirty data in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_size | Total size of the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_delete_mark_diff | Difference in delete mark merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_delete_diff | Difference in delete merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_insert_diff | Difference in insert merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_ibuf_merges_diff | Difference in total merges in the InnoDB insert buffer | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs_diff | Difference in pending fsync operations for the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_os_log_pending_writes_diff | Difference in pending write operations for the InnoDB log | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits_diff | Difference in spin waits for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits_diff | Difference in spin waits for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds_diff | Difference in spin rounds for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds_diff | Difference in spin rounds for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits_diff | Difference in operating system waits for shared read locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits_diff | Difference in operating system waits for exclusive write locks | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests_diff | Difference in read requests in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads_diff | Difference in reads from the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_page_size_diff | Difference in page size for InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_created_diff | Difference in pages created in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_read_diff | Difference in pages read in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_pages_written_diff | Difference in pages written in InnoDB | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_writes_diff | Difference in data writes to the InnoDB storage | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_reads_diff | Difference in data reads from the InnoDB storage | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_fsyncs_diff | Difference in data fsync operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_read_diff | Difference in bytes read from data | UInt64 |
Innodb_data_written_diff | Difference in bytes written to data | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed_diff | Difference in pages flushed from the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free_diff | Difference in waits for free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests_diff | Difference in write requests to the InnoDB buffer pool | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_waits_diff | Difference in waits for log operations | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_write_requests_diff | Difference in log write requests | UInt64 |
Innodb_log_writes_diff | Difference in log writes | UInt64 |
uniqueId | Unique identifier for the record | LowCardinality(String) |
Max_connections | Maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections | UInt64 |
Key_buffer_size | Size of the buffer used for caching index blocks | UInt64 |
Max_prepared_stmt_count | Maximum number of prepared statements allowed | UInt64 |
Table_open_cache | Number of open tables cache | UInt64 |
Thread_cache_size | Number of threads to cache | UInt64 |
Aborted_clients | Count of aborted client connections | UInt64 |
Aborted_connects | Count of failed connection attempts | UInt64 |
Binlog_cache_disk_use | Amount of disk space used for binary log cache | UInt64 |
Binlog_cache_use | Amount of binary log cache used | UInt64 |
Bytes_received | Total number of bytes received | UInt64 |
Bytes_sent | Total number of bytes sent | UInt64 |
Threads_cached | Number of cached threads | UInt64 |
Threads_connected | Current number of open connections | UInt64 |
Threads_created | Total number of threads created | UInt64 |
Threads_running | Number of threads currently executing | UInt64 |
Connections | Total number of connection attempts | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_disk_tables | Count of temporary tables created on disk | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_files | Count of temporary files created | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_tables | Count of temporary tables created | UInt64 |
Flush_commands | Count of flush commands executed | UInt64 |
Max_used_connections | Maximum number of connections used since the server started | UInt64 |
Open_files | Number of files currently open | UInt64 |
Open_streams | Number of open streams | UInt64 |
Opened_tables | Count of tables opened | UInt64 |
Open_tables | Number of currently open tables | UInt64 |
Table_locks_waited | Count of times a table lock was waited on | UInt64 |
Uptime | Server uptime in seconds | UInt64 |
Queries | Total number of queries executed | UInt64 |
Questions | Total number of questions asked | UInt64 |
Connection_errors_max_connections | Count of errors for max connections exceeded | UInt64 |
Connection_errors_internal | Count of internal connection errors | UInt64 |
Max_used_connections_timestamp | Timestamp when the maximum connections were used | String |
Key_reads | Count of key reads | UInt64 |
Key_read_requests | Count of key read requests | UInt64 |
Prepared_stmt_count | Count of prepared statements currently in use | UInt64 |
Slow_queries | Count of queries that have taken longer than the defined threshold | UInt64 |
Key_write_requests | Count of key write requests | UInt64 |
Key_writes | Count of key writes | UInt64 |
Handler_commit | Count of commit operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_delete | Count of delete operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_prepare | Count of prepare operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_read_first | Count of read first operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_key | Count of read key operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_next | Count of read next operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_prev | Count of read previous operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_rnd | Count of random read operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_rnd_next | Count of random read next operations | UInt64 |
Handler_rollback | Count of rollback operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_update | Count of update operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_write | Count of write operations handled | UInt64 |
SELECT_full_join | Count of full joins executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_full_range_join | Count of full range joins executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_range | Count of range SELECT operations | UInt64 |
SELECT_range_check | Count of range checks in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_scan | Count of table scans executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
Sort_merge_passes | Count of merge passes during sorting | UInt64 |
Sort_range | Count of range sorts executed | UInt64 |
Sort_rows | Total number of rows sorted | UInt64 |
Sort_scan | Count of scans executed during sorting | UInt64 |
Table_locks_immediate | Count of immediate table locks acquired | UInt64 |
Table_open_cache_hits | Count of cache hits for opened tables | UInt64 |
Table_open_cache_misses | Count of misses in the opened table cache | UInt64 |
Aborted_clients_diff | Difference in aborted client connections | UInt64 |
Aborted_connects_diff | Difference in aborted connection attempts | UInt64 |
Binlog_cache_use_diff | Difference in binary log cache usage | UInt64 |
Bytes_received_diff | Difference in bytes received | UInt64 |
Bytes_sent_diff | Difference in bytes sent | UInt64 |
Connections_diff | Difference in connection attempts | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_disk_tables_diff | Difference in temporary tables created on disk | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_files_diff | Difference in temporary files created | UInt64 |
Created_tmp_tables_diff | Difference in temporary tables created | UInt64 |
Flush_commands_diff | Difference in flush commands executed | UInt64 |
Queries_diff | Difference in queries executed | UInt64 |
Table_locks_waited_diff | Difference in table locks waited on | UInt64 |
Questions_diff | Difference in questions asked | UInt64 |
Connection_errors_max_connections_diff | Difference in max connection error counts | UInt64 |
Connection_errors_internal_diff | Difference in internal connection errors | UInt64 |
Slow_queries_diff | Difference in slow queries executed | UInt64 |
Handler_commit_diff | Difference in commit operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_delete_diff | Difference in delete operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_prepare_diff | Difference in prepare operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_read_first_diff | Difference in read first operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_key_diff | Difference in read key operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_next_diff | Difference in read next operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_prev_diff | Difference in read previous operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_rnd_diff | Difference in random read operations | UInt64 |
Handler_read_rnd_next_diff | Difference in random read next operations | UInt64 |
Handler_rollback_diff | Difference in rollback operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_update_diff | Difference in update operations handled | UInt64 |
Handler_write_diff | Difference in write operations handled | UInt64 |
SELECT_full_join_diff | Difference in full joins executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_full_range_join_diff | Difference in full range joins executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_range_diff | Difference in range SELECT operations | UInt64 |
SELECT_range_check_diff | Difference in range checks in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
SELECT_scan_diff | Difference in table scans executed in SELECT statements | UInt64 |
Sort_merge_passes_diff | Difference in merge passes during sorting | UInt64 |
Sort_range_diff | Difference in range sorts executed | UInt64 |
Sort_rows_diff | Difference in the number of rows sorted | UInt64 |
Sort_scan_diff | Difference in scans executed during sorting | UInt64 |
Table_locks_immediate_diff | Difference in immediate table locks acquired | UInt64 |
Table_open_cache_hits_diff | Difference in cache hits for opened tables | UInt64 |
Table_open_cache_misses_diff | Difference in misses in the opened table cache | UInt64 |
uniqueId | Unique identifier for the record | LowCardinality(String) |
Query_cache_size | Size of the query cache in bytes | UInt64 |
Qcache_hits | Number of query cache hits | UInt64 |
Qcache_inserts | Number of queries inserted into the cache | UInt64 |
Qcache_lowmem_prunes | Number of queries pruned from the cache due to low memory | UInt64 |
Qcache_total_blocks | Total number of blocks in the query cache | UInt64 |
Qcache_free_blocks | Number of free blocks available in the query cache | UInt64 |
Qcache_free_memory | Amount of free memory available in the query cache | UInt64 |
Qcache_not_cached | Number of queries not cached | UInt64 |
Qcache_queries_in_cache | Current number of queries stored in the cache | UInt64 |
Qcache_not_cached_diff | Difference in the number of queries not cached | UInt64 |
Qcache_queries_in_cache_diff | Difference in the number of queries stored in the cache | UInt64 |