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Version: NG-2.14

SNMP Polling


The SNMP Polling Observability solution aims to provide detailed insights and comprehensive visibility into various network infrastructure devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and more, leveraging the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This solution serves as an SNMP enabler for different vendors and models.

Getting Started


SNMP Polling O11ySource supports SNMP versions v1, v2c and v3.

Data Collection Method

vuSmartMaps collects the availability data for SNMP Polling O11ySource using an internal data collector and collects data based on the source configuration.


Dependent Configuration

To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'snmp' under the 'Definition' tab.

Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Group Name: This field is for grouping devices for SNMP polling, making it easier to manage devices with common characteristics or within the same network segment.
  • No. of Retries: Number of times the system should reattempt polling if the initial attempt fails. Default is set to 7 retries
  • Timeout Duration: Specify how long the system should wait for a response from a device before considering the attempt unsuccessful. Default timeout is 5 seconds
  • Device IP: Enter the IP address of the device.
  • SNMP Credential: Select the SNMP credential from the dropdown list that corresponds to this device.
  • Vendor: Select the vendor of the device from the dropdown list
  • Model: Select the model of the device from dropdown list.
MIB Groups
  • MIB Group: Select the MIB Group to poll, identifying the MIB OID to collect. Default: 'ALL_SUPPORTED_MIB_GROUPS'.
  • Interval: Specify the polling interval in seconds. Default: 360 seconds

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
vuSmartMaps IPIP address of the SNMP device161*UDPOutbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

Configure SNMP on target devices and grant SNMP access permissions to vuSmartMaps designated IP address.

Configuration Steps

  • **Enable**the SNMP Polling O11ySource.

  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new SNMP device to be monitored.

  • Click on Save to create the instance

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
BU IDBusiness Unit IdLowCardinality(String)
Tenant IDTenant idLowCardinality(String)
HostIP Address for this Cisco SwitchIPv4
targetIP Address for this Cisco SwitchString
DeviceIPDevice IP for this Cisco SwitchIPv4
data_typeData TypeLowCardinality(String)
Vendor NameVendor NameLowCardinality(String)
Device TypeDevice Type. In this case, FirewallLowCardinality(String)
System NameSystem NameString
CPU UtilizationCPU UtilizationFloat64 DEFAULT -1.0
CPU NameCPU NameLowCardinality(String)
Memory UtilizationMemory UtilizationFloat64 DEFAULT -1.0
DescriptionSystem DescriptionString
ContactSystem ContactString
LocationSystem LocationString
UptimeSystem UptimeUInt64
Uptime in secondsSystem Uptime in SecondsFloat64
NameInterface NameString
Temperature ValueTemperature ValueInt32
Temperature ThresholdTemperature ThresholdInt32
Temperature PercetnageTemperature PercetnageFloat64
Temperature NameTemperature NameString
FRU Power OperstatusFRU Power OperstatusInt32
FRU Power AdminstatusFRU Power AdminstatusInt32
FRU Power Operstatus DescriptionFRU Power Operstatus DescriptionString
FRU Power Adminstatus DescriptionFRU Power Adminstatus DescriptionString
Interface Input AbortInterface Input AbortUInt64
Interface Input Abort DiffInterface Input Abort DiffUInt64
Input CollisionsInput CollisionsUInt64
Input Collisions DiffInput Collisions DiffUInt64
Input CRCInput CRCUInt64
Input CRC DiffInput CRC DiffUInt64
Input MisalignedInput MisalignedUInt64
Input Misaligned DiffInput Misaligned DiffUInt64
Input OverrunInput OverrunUInt64
Input Overrun DiffInput Overrun DiffUInt64
Input Queue DropInput Queue DropUInt64
Input Queue Drop DiffInput Queue Drop DiffUInt64
Output Queue DropOutput Queue DropUInt64
Output Queue Drop DiffOutput Queue Drop DiffUInt64
BGP Local IP AddressBGP Local IP AddressString
BGP Peer Admin StatusBGP Peer Admin StatusInt32
BGP Peer Connection StateBGP Peer Connection StateString
BGP Peer Remote AddressBGP Peer Remote AddressString
BGP Peer Up SinceBGP Peer Up SinceInt64
BGP StateBGP StateLowCardinality(String)
BGP Peer Admin StateBGP Peer Admin StateLowCardinality(String)
BGP Peer Link StateBGP Peer Link StateLowCardinality(String)
BGP Peer Up Since DateBGP Peer Up Since DateString
OSPF Neighbour StateOSPF Neighbour StateString
OSPF Neighbour AddressOSPF Neighbour AddressString
Sensor NameSensor NameString
Sensor TypeSensor TypeInt32
FRU Sensor StateFRU Sensor StateString
vublock Namevublock NameString
Topic OfTopic OfString
is_mem_typeMemory typeInt8
is_cpu_typeCPU TypeInt8
ip_addressThe IP address of the device or network interface.IPv4
if_admin_statusAdministrative status of the network interface (e.g., up/down).LowCardinality(String)
interface_statusCurrent operational status of the network interface.LowCardinality(String)
if_descriptionText description or label for the network interface.String
if_aliasAlias or alternative name for the network interface.String
if_phy_addressPhysical (MAC) address of the network interface.String
if_indexUnique index identifying the network interface.UInt64
in_droppedNumber of incoming packets dropped by the interface.UInt64
in_errorsNumber of incoming errors encountered by the interface.UInt64
in_octet_3232-bit counter for incoming bytes on the interface.UInt64
in_octetsTotal number of incoming bytes on the interface.UInt64
out_droppedNumber of outgoing packets dropped by the interface.UInt64
out_errorsNumber of outgoing errors encountered by the interface.UInt64
out_octet_3232-bit counter for outgoing bytes on the interface.UInt32
out_octetsTotal number of outgoing bytes on the interface.UInt64
speedSpeed of the network interface in bits per second.UInt64
indexIndex value used for tracking the data record.String
in_diff_octetsDifference in incoming bytes between intervalsUInt64
in_diff_errorsDifference in incoming errors between intervals.UInt64
in_diff_droppedDifference in incoming dropped packets between intervals.UInt64
out_diff_octetsDifference in outgoing bytes between intervals.UInt64
out_diff_errorsDifference in outgoing errors between intervals.UInt64
out_diff_droppedDifference in outgoing dropped packets between intervals.UInt64
rx_rate_in_BpsIncoming data rate in bytes per second.Float64
rx_rateIncoming data rate in bits per second.Float64
tx_rate_in_BpsOutgoing data rate in bytes per second.Float64
tx_rateOutgoing data rate in bits per second.Float64
in_bandwidth_pPercentage of inbound bandwidth utilization.Float64
out_bandwidth_pPercentage of outbound bandwidth utilization.Float64
ISPInternet Service Provider associated with the device or link.String
LinkTypeType of network link (e.g., Ethernet, Fiber).String
LinkUsageCurrent usage status of the network link.String
BandwidthTotal available bandwidth of the link.String