VMware vSphere is a cloud computing virtualization platform that provides a suite of products designed to help organizations manage their virtualized data centers efficiently.
Getting Started
vuSmartMaps enables monitoring of vSphere metrics through the vCenter URL endpoint, with metrics collected using a pull mechanism. This VuNet agent officially supports vSphere versions 6.5, 6.7, 7.0, and 8.0. While it may work with versions 5.1, 5.5, and 6.0, these versions are not officially supported.
Data Collection Method
vuSmartMaps collects health and performance data for vSphere using VuNet's Internal Data Collector.
Dependent Configuration
To configure this O11ySource, create a 'credential' of type 'user' under the 'Definition' tab.
Inputs for Configuring Data Source
- vSphere Cluster: The IP Address/FQDN of the vSphere Cluster. This field is the key to identify each server you add here.
- vCenter URL: The vCenter URL endpoint for vSphere Cluster. Eg. http://vcenter.local/sdk or https://vcenter.local/sdk
- Authentication Credential: vCenter authentication credential for the endpoint to communicate?
- Period (in seconds): Time interval for polling data from the Vault Server. Period should be between 60 seconds – 3000 seconds.
Firewall Requirement
To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:
Source IP | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol | Direction |
vuSmartMaps IP | vCenter Server | 443* | TCP | Outbound |
*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.
Configuring the Target
Health and Performance metrics from vSphere are collected using vCenter endpoint. The VuNet agent uses the vSphere API to gather metrics from multiple vCenter servers.
Configuration Steps
the O11ySource.- Select the sources tab and press the
button to add a new instance that has to be monitored. - Provide the required configurations:
- vSphere Cluster
- vCenter URL
- Authentication Credential
- Period (in seconds)
- Click
to close the data source window.
Metrics Collected
Name | Description | Data Type |
timestamp | Timestamp of the data | DateTime64(3) |
tenant_id | Unique identifier for the tenant | String |
bu_id | Business unit identifier | String |
fields_clusterDrsScore_latest | Latest value of the Distributed Resource Scheduler score. | UInt32 |
fields_effectivecpu_average | Average effective CPU usage. | Float32 |
fields_effectivemem_average | Average effective memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_failover_latest | Latest value indicating failover status. | UInt32 |
fields_numChangeDS_latest | Latest number of datastore changes. | UInt32 |
fields_numChangeHostDS_latest | Latest number of host datastore changes. | UInt32 |
fields_numChangeHost_latest | Latest number of host changes. | UInt32 |
fields_numClone_latest | Latest number of VM clones. | UInt32 |
fields_numCreate_latest | Latest number of VM creations. | UInt32 |
fields_numDeploy_latest | Latest number of VM deployments. | UInt32 |
fields_numDestroy_latest | Latest number of VM destructions. | UInt32 |
fields_numPoweroff_latest | Latest number of VM power-offs. | UInt32 |
fields_numPoweron_latest | Latest number of VM power-ons. | UInt32 |
fields_numRebootGuest_latest | Latest number of guest OS reboots. | UInt32 |
fields_numReconfigure_latest | Latest number of VM reconfigurations. | UInt32 |
fields_numRegister_latest | Latest number of VM registrations. | UInt32 |
fields_numReset_latest | Latest number of VM resets. | UInt32 |
fields_numShutdownGuest_latest | Latest number of guest OS shutdowns. | UInt32 |
fields_numStandbyGuest_latest | Latest number of guest OS standbys. | UInt32 |
fields_numSuspend_latest | Latest number of VM suspensions. | UInt32 |
fields_numSVMotion_latest | Latest number of storage vMotion operations. | UInt32 |
fields_numUnregister_latest | Latest number of VM unregisters. | UInt32 |
fields_numVMotion_latest | Latest number of VM vMotion operations. | UInt32 |
fields_numXVMotion_latest | Latest number of cross-vCenter vMotion operations. | UInt32 |
fields_overhead_average | Average system overhead. | Float32 |
fields_totalmb_average | Average total memory usage in MB. | Float32 |
fields_totalmhz_average | Average total CPU usage in MHz. | Float32 |
fields_usage_average | Average resource usage. | Float32 |
tags_clustername | Name of the cluster. | String |
tags_cpu | CPU identifier or type. | String |
tags_dcname | Datacenter name. | String |
tags_host | Host identifier. | String |
tags_interval | Interval between metrics collection. | String |
tags_moid | Managed object ID, usually for VM or datastore. | String |
tags_source | Source of the metric data. | String |
tags_topic_name | Topic name for streaming or message systems. | String |
tags_vcenter | vCenter server name or identifier. | String |
name | Name of the metric. | String |
timestamp | Timestamp of the data | DateTime64(3) |
tenant_id | Unique identifier for the tenant | String |
bu_id | Business unit identifier | String |
fields_actav15_latest | Latest 15-minute activity average. | Float32 |
fields_actav1_latest | Latest 1-minute activity average. | Float32 |
fields_actav5_latest | Latest 5-minute activity average. | Float32 |
fields_active_average | Average active time. | Float32 |
fields_activewrite_average | Average active write time. | Float32 |
fields_actpk15_latest | Latest 15-minute activity peak. | Float32 |
fields_actpk1_latest | Latest 1-minute activity peak. | Float32 |
fields_actpk5_latest | Latest 5-minute activity peak. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_read_latest | Latest read bandwidth. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_total_latest | Latest total bandwidth. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_write_latest | Latest write bandwidth. | Float32 |
fields_broadcastRx_summation | Summation of broadcast receive events. | UInt32 |
fields_broadcastTx_summation | Summation of broadcast transmit events. | UInt32 |
fields_busResets_summation | Summation of bus reset events. | UInt32 |
fields_bytesRx_average | Average number of bytes received. | Float32 |
fields_bytesTx_average | Average number of bytes transmitted. | Float32 |
fields_commandsAborted_summation | Summation of aborted commands. | UInt32 |
fields_commandsAveraged_average | Average number of commands averaged. | Float32 |
fields_commands_summation | Summation of commands executed. | UInt32 |
fields_compressed_average | Average compression rate. | Float32 |
fields_compressionRate_average | Average compression rate. | Float32 |
fields_consumed_average | Average resource consumption. | Float32 |
fields_coreUtilization_average | Average CPU core utilization. | Float32 |
fields_costop_summation | Summation of costly operations. | UInt32 |
fields_datastoreIops_average | Average datastore I/O operations per second. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest | Latest maximum queue depth for datastore I/O operations. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest | Latest normal read latency for datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest | Latest normal write latency for datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadBytes_latest | Latest number of bytes read from datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadIops_latest | Latest read IOPS (Input/Output operations per second) for datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest | Latest load metric for read operations on datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadOIO_latest | Latest Outstanding IO operations for read from datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreVMObservedLatency_latest | Latest observed latency for datastore VM operations. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteBytes_latest | Latest number of bytes written to datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteIops_latest | Latest write IOPS (Input/Output operations per second) for datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest | Latest load metric for write operations on datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteOIO_latest | Latest Outstanding IO operations for write to datastore. | Float32 |
fields_decompressionRate_average | Average decompression rate. | Float32 |
fields_demand_average | Average demand for resources. | Float32 |
fields_deviceLatency_average | Average latency for device operations. | Float32 |
fields_deviceReadLatency_average | Average read latency for device operations. | Float32 |
fields_deviceWriteLatency_average | Average write latency for device operations. | Float32 |
fields_droppedRx_summation | Summation of dropped receive events. | UInt32 |
fields_droppedTx_summation | Summation of dropped transmit events. | UInt32 |
fields_energy_summation | Summation of energy consumption events. | UInt32 |
fields_errorsRx_summation | Summation of receive errors. | UInt32 |
fields_errorsTx_summation | Summation of transmit errors. | UInt32 |
fields_granted_average | Average granted resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_hbrDiskReadLatency_average | Average disk read latency in HBR (High Bandwidth Resource) systems. | Float32 |
fields_hbrDiskStallLatency_average | Average disk stall latency in HBR systems. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNetRx_average | Average network receive latency in HBR systems. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNetTx_average | Average network transmit latency in HBR systems. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNumVms_average | Average number of virtual machines in HBR systems. | Float32 |
fields_heap_average | Average heap memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_heapfree_average | Average free heap memory. | Float32 |
fields_idle_summation | Summation of idle time events. | UInt32 |
fields_kernelLatency_average | Average kernel latency. | Float32 |
fields_kernelReadLatency_average | Average kernel read latency. | Float32 |
fields_kernelWriteLatency_average | Average kernel write latency. | Float32 |
fields_latency_average | Average latency. | Float32 |
fields_latency_read_latest | Latest read latency. | Float32 |
fields_latency_write_latest | Latest write latency. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapIn_average | Average swap-in activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapInRate_average | Average swap-in rate. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapOut_average | Average swap-out activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapOutRate_average | Average swap-out rate. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapUsed_average | Average swap used. | Float32 |
fields_lowfreethreshold_average | Average low free memory threshold. | Float32 |
fields_maxLimited15_latest | Latest 15-minute maximum limited resource usage. | UInt32 |
fields_maxLimited1_latest | Latest 1-minute maximum limited resource usage. | UInt32 |
fields_maxLimited5_latest | Latest 5-minute maximum limited resource usage. | UInt32 |
fields_maxQueueDepth_average | Average maximum queue depth. | Float32 |
fields_maxTotalLatency_latest | Latest maximum total latency. | Float32 |
fields_multicastRx_summation | Summation of multicast receive events. | UInt32 |
fields_multicastTx_summation | Summation of multicast transmit events. | UInt32 |
fields_numberReadAveraged_average | Average number of read operations averaged. | Float32 |
fields_numberRead_summation | Summation of read operations. | UInt32 |
fields_numberWriteAveraged_average | Average number of write operations averaged. | Float32 |
fields_numberWrite_summation | Summation of write operations. | UInt32 |
fields_overhead_average | Average overhead time or resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_packetsRx_summation | Summation of received packets. | UInt32 |
fields_packetsTx_summation | Summation of transmitted packets. | UInt32 |
fields_power_average | Average power consumption. | Float32 |
fields_powerCap_average | Average power cap. | Float32 |
fields_queueLatency_average | Average latency in a queue. | Float32 |
fields_queueReadLatency_average | Average read latency in a queue. | Float32 |
fields_queueWriteLatency_average | Average write latency in a queue. | Float32 |
fields_read_average | Average read rate. | Float32 |
fields_readiness_average | Average readiness time or status. | Float32 |
fields_ready_summation | Summation of readiness events. | UInt32 |
fields_received_average | Average received data rate. | Float32 |
fields_reservedCapacity_average | Average reserved capacity. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAct1_latest | Latest 1-minute active CPU resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAct5_latest | Latest 5-minute active CPU resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAllocMin_latest | Latest minimum CPU allocation. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAllocShares_latest | Latest CPU allocation shares. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuMaxLimited1_latest | Latest 1-minute maximum limited CPU resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuMaxLimited5_latest | Latest 5-minute maximum limited CPU resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuRun1_latest | Latest 1-minute running CPU usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuRun5_latest | Latest 5-minute running CPU usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuUsage_average | Average CPU usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceFdUsage_latest | Latest file descriptor usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemAllocMin_latest | Latest minimum memory allocation. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemAllocShares_latest | Latest memory allocation shares. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemConsumed_latest | Latest consumed memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemCow_latest | Latest copy-on-write memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemMapped_latest | Latest mapped memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemOverhead_latest | Latest memory overhead. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemShared_latest | Latest shared memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemSwapped_latest | Latest swapped memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemTouched_latest | Latest touched memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemZero_latest | Latest zeroed memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_runav15_latest | Latest 15-minute running average. | Float32 |
fields_runav1_latest | Latest 1-minute running average. | Float32 |
fields_runav5_latest | Latest 5-minute running average. | Float32 |
fields_runpk15_latest | Latest 15-minute running peak. | Float32 |
fields_runpk1_latest | Latest 1-minute running peak. | Float32 |
fields_runpk5_latest | Latest 5-minute running peak. | Float32 |
fields_sampleCount_latest | Latest sample count. | UInt32 |
fields_samplePeriod_latest | Latest sample period. | Float32 |
fields_shared_average | Average shared resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_sharedcommon_average | Average shared common resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_siocActiveTimePercentage_average | Average active time percentage for I/O controller. | Float32 |
fields_sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average | Average size-normalized datastore latency. | Float32 |
fields_state_latest | Latest system state. | UInt32 |
fields_swapin_average | Average swap-in activity. | Float32 |
fields_swapinRate_average | Average swap-in rate. | Float32 |
fields_swapout_average | Average swap-out activity. | Float32 |
fields_swapoutRate_average | Average swap-out rate. | Float32 |
fields_swapused_average | Average swap used. | Float32 |
fields_swapwait_summation | Summation of swap wait events. | UInt32 |
fields_sysUsage_average | Average system usage. | Float32 |
fields_totalCapacity_average | Average total capacity. | Float32 |
fields_totalLatency_average | Average total latency. | Float32 |
fields_totalReadLatency_average | Average total read latency. | Float32 |
fields_totalWriteLatency_average | Average total write latency. | Float32 |
fields_transmitted_average | Average transmitted data rate. | Float32 |
fields_unknownProtos_summation | Summation of unknown protocol events. | UInt32 |
fields_unmapIOs_summation | Summation of unmap I/O events. | UInt32 |
fields_unmapSize_summation | Summation of unmap size. | UInt32 |
fields_unreserved_average | Average unreserved capacity usage. | Float32 |
fields_uptime_latest | Latest system uptime. | UInt64 |
fields_usage_average | Average resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_usagemhz_average | Average resource usage in MHz. | Float32 |
fields_used_summation | Summation of used resources. | UInt32 |
fields_utilization_average | Average system utilization. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_capMissRatio_latest | Latest VMFS PBC cache miss ratio. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_overhead_latest | Latest VMFS PBC overhead. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_size_latest | Latest VMFS PBC size. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_sizeMax_latest | Latest maximum VMFS PBC size. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_workingSet_latest | Latest VMFS PBC working set. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_workingSetMax_latest | Latest maximum VMFS PBC working set. | Float32 |
fields_vmmemctl_average | Average memory ballooning activity. | Float32 |
fields_wait_summation | Summation of wait events. | UInt32 |
fields_write_average | Average write rate. | Float32 |
fields_zero_average | Average zeroed memory usage. | Float32 |
tags_adapter | The network adapter used for the connection. | String |
tags_clustername | The name of the cluster in which the resource is located. | String |
tags_cpu | The CPU or processor details. | String |
tags_dcname | The data center name where the resource is hosted. | String |
tags_disk | The disk identifier or disk type being used. | String |
tags_dsname | The datastore name or identifier. | String |
tags_esxhostname | The ESXi host name where the resource is located. | String |
tags_host | The host machine or server name. | String |
tags_instance | The instance identifier for the resource. | String |
tags_interface | The network interface name or identifier. | String |
tags_interval | The interval of data collection. | String |
tags_lun | The Logical Unit Number (LUN) of the storage device. | String |
tags_moid | The Managed Object ID used for unique identification. | String |
tags_path | The path or route to the resource, often used in storage. | String |
tags_resource | The name of the resource being monitored. | String |
tags_source | The source of the data or metric collection. | String |
tags_topic_name | The name of the topic in a message broker system (e.g., Kafka). | String |
tags_vcenter | The vCenter server name or identifier. | String |
name | The name of the specific metric or entity being tracked. | String |
timestamp | Timestamp of the data | DateTime64(3) |
tenant_id | Unique identifier for the tenant | String |
bu_id | Business unit identifier | String |
fields_actav15_latest | Active average over the last 15 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_actav1_latest | Active average over the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_actav5_latest | Active average over the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_active_average | Average active resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_activewrite_average | Average active write resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_actpk15_latest | Active peak over the last 15 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_actpk1_latest | Active peak over the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_actpk5_latest | Active peak over the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_read_latest | Latest bandwidth for read operations. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_total_latest | Latest total bandwidth usage. | Float32 |
fields_bandwidth_write_latest | Latest bandwidth for write operations. | Float32 |
fields_broadcastRx_summation | Total number of broadcast packets received. | UInt32 |
fields_broadcastTx_summation | Total number of broadcast packets transmitted. | UInt32 |
fields_busResets_summation | Total number of bus reset events. | UInt32 |
fields_bytesRx_average | Average number of bytes received. | Float32 |
fields_bytesTx_average | Average number of bytes transmitted. | Float32 |
fields_commandsAborted_summation | Total number of commands aborted. | UInt32 |
fields_commandsAveraged_average | Average number of commands processed. | Float32 |
fields_commands_summation | Total number of commands processed. | UInt32 |
fields_compressed_average | Average amount of compressed data. | Float32 |
fields_compressionRate_average | Average data compression rate. | Float32 |
fields_consumed_average | Average consumed resources. | Float32 |
fields_coreUtilization_average | Average CPU core utilization. | Float32 |
fields_costop_summation | Total number of CPU co-stop events. | UInt32 |
fields_datastoreIops_average | Average datastore IOPS (Input/Output Operations per Second). | Float32 |
fields_datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest | Latest maximum queue depth in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest | Latest normal read latency in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest | Latest normal write latency in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadBytes_latest | Latest read bytes from the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadIops_latest | Latest read IOPS from the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest | Latest datastore read load metric. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadOIO_latest | Latest read outstanding I/O operations in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreVMObservedLatency_latest | Latest latency observed by VMs in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteBytes_latest | Latest write bytes to the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteIops_latest | Latest write IOPS to the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest | Latest datastore write load metric. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteOIO_latest | Latest write outstanding I/O operations in the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_decompressionRate_average | Average data decompression rate. | Float32 |
fields_demand_average | Average resource demand. | Float32 |
fields_deviceLatency_average | Average latency of devices. | Float32 |
fields_deviceReadLatency_average | Average read latency of devices. | Float32 |
fields_deviceWriteLatency_average | Average write latency of devices. | Float32 |
fields_droppedRx_summation | Total number of dropped packets received. | UInt32 |
fields_droppedTx_summation | Total number of dropped packets transmitted. | UInt32 |
fields_energy_summation | Total energy consumed. | UInt32 |
fields_errorsRx_summation | Total number of errors in packets received. | UInt32 |
fields_errorsTx_summation | Total number of errors in packets transmitted. | UInt32 |
fields_granted_average | Average granted resources. | Float32 |
fields_hbrDiskReadLatency_average | Average latency of HBR disk read operations. | Float32 |
fields_hbrDiskStallLatency_average | Average stall latency for HBR disks. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNetRx_average | Average network receive data for HBR operations. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNetTx_average | Average network transmit data for HBR operations. | Float32 |
fields_hbrNumVms_average | Average number of VMs in HBR operations. | Float32 |
fields_heap_average | Average heap memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_heapfree_average | Average free heap memory. | Float32 |
fields_idle_summation | Total idle time of resources. | UInt32 |
fields_kernelLatency_average | Average kernel latency. | Float32 |
fields_kernelReadLatency_average | Average kernel read latency. | Float32 |
fields_kernelWriteLatency_average | Average kernel write latency. | Float32 |
fields_latency_average | Average overall latency. | Float32 |
fields_latency_read_latest | Latest read latency value. | Float32 |
fields_latency_write_latest | Latest write latency value. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapIn_average | Average low-level swap-in activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapInRate_average | Average rate of low-level swap-in activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapOut_average | Average low-level swap-out activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapOutRate_average | Average rate of low-level swap-out activity. | Float32 |
fields_llSwapUsed_average | Average low-level swap usage. | Float32 |
fields_lowfreethreshold_average | Average value of low free threshold. | Float32 |
fields_maxLimited15_latest | Latest maximum limited value over the last 15 minutes. | UInt32 |
fields_maxLimited1_latest | Latest maximum limited value over the last 1 minute. | UInt32 |
fields_maxLimited5_latest | Latest maximum limited value over the last 5 minutes. | UInt32 |
fields_maxQueueDepth_average | Average maximum queue depth. | Float32 |
fields_maxTotalLatency_latest | Latest maximum total latency value. | Float32 |
fields_multicastRx_summation | Total number of multicast packets received. | UInt32 |
fields_multicastTx_summation | Total number of multicast packets transmitted. | UInt32 |
fields_numberReadAveraged_average | Average number of read operations. | Float32 |
fields_numberRead_summation | Total number of read operations. | UInt32 |
fields_numberWriteAveraged_average | Average number of write operations. | Float32 |
fields_numberWrite_summation | Total number of write operations. | UInt32 |
fields_overhead_average | Average system or application overhead. | Float32 |
fields_packetsRx_summation | Total number of packets received. | UInt32 |
fields_packetsTx_summation | Total number of packets transmitted. | UInt32 |
fields_power_average | Average power consumption. | Float32 |
fields_powerCap_average | Average power cap usage. | Float32 |
fields_queueLatency_average | Average latency caused by queuing. | Float32 |
fields_queueReadLatency_average | Average read latency caused by queuing. | Float32 |
fields_queueWriteLatency_average | Average write latency caused by queuing. | Float32 |
fields_read_average | Average number of read operations. | Float32 |
fields_readiness_average | Average system readiness. | Float32 |
fields_ready_summation | Total readiness events. | UInt32 |
fields_received_average | Average amount of data received. | Float32 |
fields_reservedCapacity_average | Average reserved capacity. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAct1_latest | Latest CPU activity for the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAct5_latest | Latest CPU activity for the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAllocMin_latest | Latest minimum allocated CPU resources. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuAllocShares_latest | Latest allocated CPU shares. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuMaxLimited1_latest | Latest CPU maximum limit for the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuMaxLimited5_latest | Latest CPU maximum limit for the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuRun1_latest | Latest CPU run time for the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuRun5_latest | Latest CPU run time for the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_resourceCpuUsage_average | Average CPU usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceFdUsage_latest | Latest file descriptor usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemAllocMin_latest | Latest minimum allocated memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemAllocShares_latest | Latest allocated memory shares. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemConsumed_latest | Latest consumed memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemCow_latest | Latest copy-on-write memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemMapped_latest | Latest mapped memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemOverhead_latest | Latest memory overhead. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemShared_latest | Latest shared memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemSwapped_latest | Latest swapped memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemTouched_latest | Latest touched memory. | Float32 |
fields_resourceMemZero_latest | Latest zeroed memory. | Float32 |
fields_runav15_latest | Latest running average over the last 15 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_runav1_latest | Latest running average over the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_runav5_latest | Latest running average over the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_runpk15_latest | Latest running peak value over the last 15 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_runpk1_latest | Latest running peak value over the last 1 minute. | Float32 |
fields_runpk5_latest | Latest running peak value over the last 5 minutes. | Float32 |
fields_sampleCount_latest | Latest count of samples. | UInt32 |
fields_samplePeriod_latest | Latest sampling period duration. | Float32 |
fields_shared_average | Average shared memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_sharedcommon_average | Average shared common memory usage. | Float32 |
fields_siocActiveTimePercentage_average | Average active time percentage for SIOC (Storage I/O Control). | Float32 |
fields_sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average | Average datastore latency normalized by size. | Float32 |
fields_state_latest | Latest state value (could represent system or resource state). | UInt32 |
fields_swapin_average | Average swap-in operations. | Float32 |
fields_swapinRate_average | Average rate of swap-in operations. | Float32 |
fields_swapout_average | Average swap-out operations. | Float32 |
fields_swapoutRate_average | Average rate of swap-out operations. | Float32 |
fields_swapused_average | Average swap memory used. | Float32 |
fields_swapwait_summation | Total swap wait time. | UInt32 |
fields_sysUsage_average | Average system resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_totalCapacity_average | Average total capacity of a resource. | Float32 |
fields_totalLatency_average | Average total latency. | Float32 |
fields_totalReadLatency_average | Average total read latency. | Float32 |
fields_totalWriteLatency_average | Average total write latency. | Float32 |
fields_transmitted_average | Average amount of data transmitted. | Float32 |
fields_unknownProtos_summation | Total occurrences of unknown protocols. | UInt32 |
fields_unmapIOs_summation | Total unmap I/O operations. | UInt32 |
fields_unmapSize_summation | Total size of unmapped data. | UInt32 |
fields_unreserved_average | Average unreserved resource capacity. | Float32 |
fields_uptime_latest | Latest system uptime. | UInt64 |
fields_usage_average | Average resource usage. | Float32 |
fields_usagemhz_average | Average CPU usage in MHz. | Float32 |
fields_used_summation | Total used capacity. | UInt32 |
fields_utilization_average | Average resource utilization. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_capMissRatio_latest | Latest VMFS (Virtual Machine File System) PBC (Performance-Based Cache) capacity miss ratio. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_overhead_latest | Latest VMFS PBC overhead. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_size_latest | Latest VMFS PBC size. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_sizeMax_latest | Latest maximum VMFS PBC size. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_workingSet_latest | Latest VMFS PBC working set size. | Float32 |
fields_vmfs_pbc_workingSetMax_latest | Latest maximum VMFS PBC working set size. | Float32 |
fields_vmmemctl_average | Average VM memory control (ballooning). | Float32 |
fields_wait_summation | Total wait time. | UInt32 |
fields_write_average | Average number of write operations. | Float32 |
fields_zero_average | Average number of zeroed memory pages. | Float32 |
fields_demandEntitlementRatio_latest | Latest demand-to-entitlement ratio. | Float32 |
fields_heartbeat_latest | Latest heartbeat status. | Float32 |
fields_largeSeeks_latest | Latest count of large seek operations. | Float32 |
fields_maxlimited_summation | Total occurrences of maximum limited resources. | UInt32 |
fields_mediumSeeks_latest | Latest count of medium seek operations. | Float32 |
fields_osUptime_latest | Latest OS uptime. | UInt64 |
fields_overlap_summation | Total occurrences of resource overlap. | UInt32 |
fields_pnicBytesRx_average | Average bytes received on physical NICs. | Float32 |
fields_pnicBytesTx_average | Average bytes transmitted on physical NICs. | Float32 |
fields_readIOSize_latest | Latest read I/O size. | UInt32 |
fields_readLatencyUS_latest | Latest read latency in microseconds. | Float32 |
fields_readLoadMetric_latest | Latest read load metric. | Float32 |
fields_readOIO_latest | Latest read Outstanding I/O (OIO) count. | UInt32 |
fields_smallSeeks_latest | Latest count of small seek operations. | Float32 |
fields_swapped_average | Average swapped memory. | Float32 |
fields_swaptarget_average | Average target swapped memory. | Float32 |
fields_system_summation | Total system-level events. | UInt32 |
fields_usage_vcpus_average | Average usage of virtual CPUs. | Float32 |
fields_writeIOSize_latest | Latest write I/O size. | UInt32 |
fields_writeLatencyUS_latest | Latest write latency in microseconds. | UInt32 |
fields_writeLoadMetric_latest | Latest write load metric. | Float32 |
fields_writeOIO_latest | Latest write Outstanding I/O (OIO) count. | UInt32 |
fields_zipped_latest | Latest size of zipped data. | Float32 |
fields_zipSaved_latest | Latest saved space due to compression. | Float32 |
tags_clustername | Name of the cluster associated with the resource. | String |
tags_cpu | CPU identifier or label for the resource. | String |
tags_dcname | Name of the data center associated with the resource. | String |
tags_disk | Disk identifier or label for the resource. | String |
tags_dsname | Name of the datastore associated with the resource. | String |
tags_esxhostname | Name of the ESXi host associated with the resource. | String |
tags_guest | Identifier or label for the guest operating system. | String |
tags_guesthostname | Hostname of the guest operating system. | String |
tags_host | Name or identifier of the host machine. | String |
tags_interface | Name or identifier of the network interface. | String |
tags_interval | Sampling interval or period for the metric. | String |
tags_lun | Logical Unit Number (LUN) associated with the storage. | String |
tags_moid | Managed Object ID (MOID) of the resource. | String |
tags_rpname | Name of the resource pool associated with the resource. | String |
tags_source | Source of the metric or event. | String |
tags_topic_name | Name of the topic associated with the metric/event. | String |
tags_uuid | Unique identifier (UUID) for the resource. | String |
tags_vcenter | Name of the vCenter instance associated with the resource. | String |
tags_vmname | Name of the virtual machine associated with the resource. | String |
name | Name of the metric or event. | String |
timestamp | Timestamp of the data | DateTime64(3) |
tenant_id | Unique identifier for the tenant | String |
bu_id | Business unit identifier | String |
fields_capacity_latest | Latest capacity value of the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreIops_average | Average Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest | Latest maximum queue depth of the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest | Latest normal read latency for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest | Latest normal write latency for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadBytes_latest | Latest number of bytes read from the datastore. | UInt64 |
fields_datastoreReadIops_latest | Latest read IOPS for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest | Latest load metric for datastore reads. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreReadOIO_latest | Latest outstanding I/O operations for datastore reads. | UInt64 |
fields_datastoreVMObservedLatency_latest | Latest latency observed by the VM for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteBytes_latest | Latest number of bytes written to the datastore. | UInt64 |
fields_datastoreWriteIops_latest | Latest write IOPS for the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest | Latest load metric for datastore writes. | Float32 |
fields_datastoreWriteOIO_latest | Latest outstanding I/O operations for datastore writes. | UInt64 |
fields_maxTotalLatency_latest | Latest maximum total latency recorded. | Float32 |
fields_numberReadAveraged_average | Average number of read operations over a period. | Float32 |
fields_numberWriteAveraged_average | Average number of write operations over a period. | Float32 |
fields_provisioned_latest | Latest provisioned capacity for the resource. | UInt64 |
fields_read_average | Average read operations. | Float32 |
fields_siocActiveTimePercentage_average | Average active time percentage for Storage I/O Control (SIOC). | Float32 |
fields_sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average | Average size-normalized latency for datastore operations. | Float32 |
fields_totalReadLatency_average | Average total read latency. | Float32 |
fields_totalWriteLatency_average | Average total write latency. | Float32 |
fields_unmapIOs_summation | Summation of unmap I/O operations. | UInt32 |
fields_unmapSize_summation | Summation of unmap size operations. | UInt32 |
fields_used_latest | Latest used capacity of the datastore. | Float32 |
fields_write_average | Average write operations. | Float32 |
tags_dcname | Name of the data center associated with the resource. | String |
tags_disk | Disk identifier or label for the resource. | String |
tags_dsname | Name of the datastore associated with the resource. | String |
tags_host | Name or identifier of the host machine. | String |
tags_interval | Sampling interval or period for the metric. | String |
tags_lun | Logical Unit Number (LUN) associated with the storage. | String |
tags_moid | Managed Object ID (MOID) of the resource. | String |
tags_source | Source of the metric or event. | String |
tags_topic_name | Name of the topic associated with the metric/event. | String |
tags_vcenter | Name of the vCenter instance associated with the resource. | String |
name | Name of the metric or event. | String |