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Version: NG-2.14

Windows Events Logs


The Windows Event Logs Monitor offers comprehensive visibility into the health, security, and performance of Windows servers.

Getting Started


The Event Logs metricsets were tested with Windows Server 22 and are expected to work with all the versions mentioned.

Data Collection Method

VuNet's EventLogbeat agent is used to collect Windows Event Logs including the System, Application, Security, Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational, Windows PowerShell, Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational, Forwarded Events Logs.


Inputs for Configuring Data Source

  • Host: The IP Address or FQDN of the Windows server.
Select Event Logs
  • Ignore Time (in hours): It will ignore any files that were modified before the specified timespan.
  • Select Event Logs Type: Different types of event logs to be collected. Select one of the type from the dropdown.

Firewall Requirement

To collect data from this O11ySource, ensure the following ports are opened:

Source IPDestination IPDestination PortProtocolDirection
Windows Server IPvuSmartMaps Kafka Broker IP9092*TCPInbound

*Before providing the firewall requirements, please update the port based on the customer environment.

Configuring the Target

EventLogbeat agent should be installed and running in the source system/machine.

Configuration Steps

  • Enable the Windows Event Logs O11ySource.
  • Select the Sources tab and press the + button to add a new Windows host to be monitored.
  • After configuring the datasources, click the Save & Continue to download the agents
  • The following packages will be available for download based on the OS:EventLogbeat full installer package - Downloads the full EventLogbeat agent package with required configurations for a fresh installationEventLogbeat config update package - Downloads the agent configuration package to update an existing EventLogbeat installation
  • Download the agent installation or update package, then click Finish to close the Source window.

Metrics Collected

NameDescriptionData Type
log_levelThe severity level of the log (e.g., INFO, WARN, ERROR).LowCardinality(String)
timestampThe timestamp of the log event with millisecond precision.DateTime64(3)
messageThe log message detailing the event.String
host_nameThe hostname of the system where the event was recorded.LowCardinality(String)
vublock_nameThe name of the virtual block or component associated with the event.LowCardinality(String)
source_idThe identifier for the source of the log event.String
winlog_provider_guidThe GUID of the provider responsible for the Windows log event.String
winlog_keywords_0Keywords associated with the log event.String
winlog_event_idThe event ID uniquely identifying the type of log event.UInt16
winlog_opcodeThe operation code describing the type of operation logged.LowCardinality(String)
winlog_record_idThe record ID of the log entry in the Windows Event Log.UInt64
winlog_taskThe task category of the event, providing additional context.String
winlog_event_data_LogonProcessNameThe name of the logon process associated with the event.String
winlog_event_data_TargetUserNameThe target username involved in the event.String
winlog_event_data_WorkstationNameThe workstation name associated with the event.String
winlog_event_data_SubjectUserSidThe security identifier (SID) of the subject user.String
winlog_event_data_ImpersonationLevelThe impersonation level used during the event.String
winlog_event_data_VirtualAccountIndicates whether a virtual account was used.String
winlog_event_data_SubjectDomainNameThe domain name of the subject user.String
winlog_event_data_KeyLengthThe length of the encryption key used, if applicable.UInt8
winlog_event_data_RestrictedAdminModeIndicates if restricted admin mode was used.String
winlog_event_data_TargetLogonIdThe logon ID of the target user.String
winlog_event_data_LmPackageNameThe LM package name used during authentication.String
winlog_event_data_ProcessNameThe name of the process associated with the event.String
winlog_event_data_TargetOutboundDomainNameThe domain name for outbound connections of the target user.String
winlog_event_data_IpAddressThe IP address associated with the event.String
winlog_event_data_TargetUserSidThe SID of the target user.String
winlog_event_data_TargetLinkedLogonIdThe linked logon ID for the target user.String
winlog_event_data_TargetDomainNameThe domain name of the target user.LowCardinality(String)
winlog_event_data_TargetOutboundUserNameThe username for outbound connections of the target user.LowCardinality(String)
winlog_event_data_AuthenticationPackageNameThe authentication package used during logon.String
winlog_event_data_LogonGuidThe globally unique identifier (GUID) for the logon session.String
winlog_event_data_SubjectLogonIdThe logon ID of the subject user.String
winlog_event_data_SubjectUserNameThe username of the subject user.String
winlog_event_data_ProcessIdThe process ID associated with the event.String
winlog_event_data_ElevatedTokenIndicates if an elevated token was used during the event.String
winlog_event_data_LogonTypeThe type of logon performed (e.g., interactive, remote).UInt8
winlog_event_data_TransmittedServicesThe services transmitted during the event.String
winlog_event_data_FailureReasonThe reason for failure, if the event was unsuccessful.String
winlog_event_data_IpPortThe port associated with the IP address in the event.String
winlog_event_data_StatusThe status of the event (e.g., success, failure).String
winlog_apiThe API associated with the Windows log event.String
winlog_activity_idThe activity ID associated with the event.String
winlog_versionThe version of the event log entry.UInt8
winlog_channelThe channel of the Windows Event Log (e.g., Security, Application).LowCardinality(String)
winlog_process_pidThe process ID of the process generating the event.UInt32
winlog_process_thread_idThe thread ID of the process generating the event.UInt32
winlog_computer_nameThe computer name where the event was generated.LowCardinality(String)
winlog_provider_nameThe name of the provider generating the event.LowCardinality(String)
event_createdThe timestamp when the event was created, with millisecond precision.DateTime64(3)
event_codeThe event code providing further classification of the event type.UInt16
event_kindThe kind of event (e.g., alert, informational).LowCardinality(String)
event_providerThe provider responsible for the event.LowCardinality(String)
event_outcomeThe outcome of the event (e.g., success, failure).String
event_actionThe action associated with the event.String
winlog_event_descriptionA description of the event.LowCardinality(String)
winlog_event_sourceThe source of the event.LowCardinality(String)